Example sentences of "[adj] day later [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He came home from school some days later and said he had been ‘ thinking very seriously about our situation ’ — he was already beginning to be pompous — and that it was quite obvious that some women were unsuited to a life which held nothing but home and children .
2 Some days later when the forest fire had been brought under control , rescuers arrived to find the charred remains of the brave telegraph despatcher , his finger still on the telegraph key .
3 My problems began some days later when I wanted to change the video mode .
4 They had thus sighted the continent a few days later than Bellingshausen 's sighting in longitude 2°15' W. Bransfield 's manuscript chart is in the hydrographic department of the Admiralty .
5 It was Brian , chancing to come across it a few days later while looking for some envelopes , who said , ‘ Who on earth are all these people ? ’
6 A few days later while driving him home , she asked him why he 'd hit her and , she alleged , ‘ He went crazy again , punching me so I nearly lost control of the car . ’
7 A few days later before Anne went to work her mother asked her to go for bread .
8 The state of emergency was lifted a few days later after pollution levels had fallen .
9 The SD station at Kitzingen in Lower Franconia , for example , which in its special report directly on the speech had declared that ‘ the rumours about the Führer are presumably disposed of ’ mentioned in its regular report a few days later that some workers had been heard saying that , from the speed and tone of voice , it had not been the Führer himself , but a substitute who had spoken , and Hitler himself had suffered such a shock from Stalingrad that he had to be kept under closely guarded house arrest on the Obersalzberg .
10 She was threatened with that a few days later when she was sweeping the back stairs and her rear view was too much of a temptation for the young footman .
11 These concerns were forgotten a few days later when Diana rose at dawn and travelled to the Lambourn home of Nick Gaselee , Charles 's trainer , to watch him ride his horse , Allibar .
12 Paris could hardly believe its ears a few days later when Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau entered the Salle Pleyel , exactly 40 years after his Parisian début , to sing Die Schöne Müllerin with ( once past the buffeted consonants and fatal eruptions of ‘ Das Wandern ’ ) a mezza voce intact , and a sensitive response to the warmhearted suggesting from the piano of Christoph Eschenbach , that one could hardly believe possible ( and more astounding still in that immense hall ! ) .
13 A few days later when Tess came back from looking for work , the children came running out and danced round her .
14 If , despite this procedure , cannulation subsequently fails , a repeat attempt at cannulation will often be successful a few days later when the oedema has subsided .
15 Andrew Fowler was caught a few days later when police discovered the caravan at the girl 's former home .
16 The same unfortunate landlord returned a few days later as we were playing forfeits , and made no mention of the fact that one person was in a bra and panties with a colander on his head , another had wellingtons on filled to the brim with curdled milk and the rest of us had false moustaches drawn on with an indelible black magic marker .
17 The joke turned against me a few days later as we were preparing to go alongside a ship at Baltic Wharf on the river Crouch .
18 Tony Visconti : ‘ I heard the finished version of ‘ Space Oddity that David had recorded with Gus Dudgeon a few days later and it was great .
19 Eleanor rang him a few days later and he was remarkably cool .
20 On being taken back , he ran away again a few days later and this time was not forced to return , nor permitted to do so .
21 A column of 400 Japanese followed them a few days later and reached Remexio , but there were no Australians in the town .
22 Gene landed a few days later and in July Joe went out with reinforcements .
23 ‘ We went home on the Friday evening of the move and turned up a few days later and just started work — it was great ! ’
24 The chaplain called our office a few days later and seemed to be open to information offered regarding preparation for Todd 's First Communion .
25 The final moult occurs in the bronchioles a few days later and the young adults then move up the bronchi and mature .
26 Oh I phoned her back a few days later and said how are things now ?
27 Pentecost followed forty days later and there began an onslaught on all that denies , destroys and deceives in human experience which will continue until it is seen that ‘ The kingship of the world now belongs to our Lord and to his Christ and he shall be king forever . ’
28 He walked into a Ladbrokes betting shop at Hexham , Northumberland , six days later and demanded his winnings , unaware that the payout for the bet would have totalled a staggering £3,826,470,000,000,000 .
29 A ‘ tubogram ’ was carried out , as an outpatient 10 days later and the catheter removed , provided that the biliary tree was clear of stones and that there was no extravasation of contrast into the peritoneal cavity .
30 Canon Archibald Douglas , who introduced clipping to St Peter 's , suggested the discrepancy in the date was due to the fact that the parishioners of Tankersley chose to ignore the introduction of the Gregorian calendar , resulting in their celebrating the feast eleven days later than the rest of the country .
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