Example sentences of "[adj] way [prep] meeting " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , there are easier ways of meeting people , ’ Pauline said , and signalled to a passing waiter .
2 Although the legislation before us will provide some elements and go some way towards meeting the criticisms of Government policy outlined in the Woolf report , it is important to realise that there is still a great deal that needs to be done .
3 In general they did not seek harsh retributory sentences once order had been restored and in a surprisingly large number of cases actually went some way towards meeting the wishes of the crowd by doing something to encourage a lowering of prices and initiating or participating in relief measures .
4 Washington even seemed prepared to go some way towards meeting the desire of the USSR to revise the treaties relating to the rights of passage by warships through the Straits between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean — an issue with a long and complicated history reaching back into tsarist times .
5 A procedure called hanning , named after its protagonist , a nineteenth century Austrian meteorologist called Julius von Hann , goes some way to meeting these criticisms .
6 Grants , trust money and corporate giving will go to some way to meeting the bill but support from individuals will play a very important part .
7 The Boards ' lines of defence against this — replacement costs were hypothetical and difficult to estimate , tax complications might follow — read like a weary defence of the status quo , but the Ministry did in the end accept that their creation of special ad hoc depreciation reserves did go some way to meeting the point .
8 I hope that that goes some way to meeting my hon. Friend 's points .
9 The draft went some way to meeting ANC demands for curbs on political parties and the security forces .
10 Although we accept the Government 's recent concessions go some way to meeting the concerns expressed at second reading , we believe an additional amendment is crucial .
11 Both aircraft head-to-head at Farnborough were built in 1944 at the Oklahoma City plant , but beyond that they went very separate ways until meeting up in the UK in September , both toting turboprops .
12 Just accept that there is this mathematically natural way of meeting this physical need .
13 The decision to acquire should be the result of formal strategic analysis and the examination of alternative ways of meeting business objectives .
14 These are : that Braverman ignores worker resistance ; that management may be ignorant of the most effective ways of meeting worker recalcitrance ; that there are more ways of killing a cat than skinning it ( in other words , that there are mechanisms other than fragmentation and de-skilling which management can use to control recalcitrant labour ) ; that technological and market opportunities vary across firms and that these influence the outcome of the struggle between capital and labour over the form of work organisation which is adopted ; and that the tight control of labour and the need to maximise output from individual workers may not be management 's most dominant concern in every case .
15 We offer a free consultancy service to advise on the most appropriate and cost effective ways of meeting your money transmission needs .
16 In order to evaluate the most effective ways of meeting the needs of dementia sufferers and their carers , we decided to set up a variety of pilot projects — these will be discussed by Ian Baillie in his talk on the Strathclyde development Fund .
17 But he added : ‘ There must be a better way of meeting those concerns than taking action that could lead to the break-up of the United Kingdom . ’
18 And yet on the face of it , the inner route seemed to offer a better way of meeting the need than performing the functions that you seek for the relief road to perform in that part of Harrogate Knaresborough .
19 External courses are likely to continue to be the only viable way of meeting some needs in some circumstances and in the interests of promoting maximum effectiveness , further attention could very usefully be given to two areas in particular .
20 I will see that happening , but it is the freedom of schools to choose that is all important , and there are some particular elements of expertise which are not available to schools because it 's not available centrally , and I believe that giving schools their budgets goes a great way to meeting this .
21 Evening classes are a good way of meeting people , adding to your skills , having fun , and learning at the same time , without the organisational demands that a club may make upon you .
22 Sitting alone with self-pity is n't a good way of meeting people .
23 Indeed the latest text has gone a long way towards meeting the UK 's objections . ’
24 The ministerial position went a long way towards meeting the US criteria , but the British side had worries as well .
25 The concessions Edward made on matters such as purveyance and unparliamentary taxation went a long way towards meeting the grievances of the commons , and the king was able to mobilize the resources he required for war .
26 Also on Oct. 17 the Supreme Soviet passed a decree which went a long way towards meeting other student demands , and secured an end to the protests .
27 Environmentalists hailed the decision as going a long way towards meeting the demands of campaigns in favour of preserving Antarctica .
28 The agreement went a long way towards meeting demands of organizations such as the World Wide Fund for Nature and Greenpeace , which had staged lengthy public campaigns in favour of preserving the Antarctic as the planet 's last great wilderness .
29 If objectives from the higher categories of Bloom 's taxonomy are included , where students are asked to make judgements , to criticise and evaluate ; and if students are given a range of objectives from which they may make their own choices and even , at the later stages of training , are encouraged to write their own , then this will go a long way to meeting this criticism .
30 Satisfactory tenants would at least keep the house warm and protected , as well as producing an income that would go a long way to meeting your expenses .
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