Example sentences of "[verb] hard [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 With everyone in the room so happy , Seb tried hard not to let it show that he was the only one less than ecstatic over the forthcoming wedding .
2 Luce tried hard not to credit any other possibility , but the truth was , she felt like Alice , her confidence in the sanity of things shattered .
3 He tried hard not to wonder why the word had n't been much more than a growl .
4 Martin tried hard not to sound annoyed .
5 She tried hard not to complain to her father .
6 He tried hard not to admire or approve of the heroine , tried to imagine that life was not like that really .
7 I tried hard not to smile .
8 Masklin tried hard not to look like a minor organism .
9 He stared at her anxiously , then at Slater , and tried hard not to look as interested as he felt .
10 Robyn picked up the piece of paper and tried hard not to believe he had made an effort .
11 So I abandoned the ‘ jazzy white number ’ and tried hard not to think about the comments of the other athletes who had watched the race with Colin in Portugal .
12 She tried hard not to appear self-conscious as she greeted the doorman at IMP 's headquarters where she worked .
13 There was a harshness to Inspector Drew 's questions , despite their quiet , almost conversational delivery , and I tried hard not to become uncomfortable under his eye .
14 She tried hard not to consider the man sitting next to her and to answer the question logically .
15 She felt bubbly with fun , and had to try hard not to let it show too much .
16 All this time I had had to try hard not to think of what my parents must have been feeling about my going away .
17 I try hard not to show off my privileged position but again it is difficult , because sometimes there is jealousy .
18 Elaine explained : ‘ I 've really tried hard not to let Deborah and Jon criticise each other , I think that 's important , some brothers can make their sisters feel awful !
19 She had tried hard not to fall in love with him , preferring to play the field and maybe trap a man whose heart was fancy free .
20 She had tried hard not to think about what might happen to them when the men returned , but , as evening began to draw in , panic fluttered in her chest .
21 When Mr Gilbey gets too serious , she tries hard not to inflame him .
22 Oliver nodded , trying hard not to tremble .
23 We followed the tracks , the folk in front trying hard not to obliterate the prints ( bear-like pads , five neat little toe marks , impressions of sharp claws ) for those behind .
24 Kate sat quite still , trying hard not to let the panic that she felt overwhelm her so that she ran screaming out into the still hot afternoon .
25 When she meets those who , through no fault of their own , have become the victims of society , the Princess behaves quietly , sensitively , trying hard not to overwhelm .
26 That 's a laugh ! she thought miserably , trying hard not to listen to the quiet voice at the back of her head which seemed to be suggesting that she might , even after all this time , still be in love with her husband .
27 The survival I had in mind was more huddling with a broken leg under a rock in the snow , trying hard not to die of exposure until some pals bring the Mountain Rescue team .
28 He waited thirty seconds before glancing sideways again , and found her dabbing at her face , trying hard not to sniff .
29 Walter climbed in beside him , trying hard not to show the fear he felt for the mechanical monster .
30 ‘ You should drink yours — it 's not very hot , ’ she said , trying hard not to show how anxious she was .
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