Example sentences of "[verb] none [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Understanding none of it , Ellie stared from one to the other .
2 When he managed to unscrew the hinges he found none of them went anywhere .
3 She do n't know none of their names though .
4 But it you want none of them on
5 The audience heard Professor Higgins order Eliza Dolittle to strip off her filthy clothes with the warning : ‘ We want none of your prudery here .
6 I want none of your reward . ’
7 We want none of his ideas here and I am sure that they will not become established .
8 Aline had sat throughout this colloquy listening attentively to every word , but contributing none of her own .
9 Finally she solved the problem by agreeing to let Ted do it provided none of us told Mum and as long as Ted gave Jean a full report at the end of each day on what precisely was going on between Dad and Eva .
10 you need them , you do n't need none of them , do n't lose them two big ones cos I 'll be after ya
11 So I believe in all that , Mikhail Vologsky , and I see a Russia which has none of it .
12 Romeo has none of his friend 's worldliness , and one of Timothy Welton 's best moments in the part is the animal way he leans and pushes at Richard Hague 's Benvolio in trying to do dying Tybalt further hurt ; another is his early gaucheness approaching Juliet .
13 Although it has none of your words on it , nor no other mark of you , I have by slow degrees and probably much self-deception turned it into a love letter from you .
14 ‘ He has none of your intelligence or character !
15 Mine has none around it that belong , ah ah , does n't belong to , it belongs to Scottish Homes .
16 Midge , who had cancelled none of her engagements , asked Patrick if he would accompany her in Stevie 's place .
17 A tepid Euro-soup Films that try to please all of Europe 's nations will inevitably end up pleasing none of them , says William Parente
18 ( I need hardly add that , at the time , I noticed none of them . )
19 They 'd none of them been lucky with men .
20 For they 'd none of 'em be missed — they 'd none of 'em be missed !
21 For they 'd none of 'em be missed — they 'd none of 'em be missed !
22 Because we 'd none of us done much , we 'd been too busy lying in the sun ( I mean too lazy ) and looking at great pictures to do much drawing or anything .
23 ‘ You 'd rather we 'd none of us come , would n't you ? ’ said Lydia abruptly .
24 She 's an artist , but I ai n't seen none of her paintings .
25 Beyond it , the west wall opened on to a wide balcony shaded by deep eaves supported on slender lotus-columns , which gave a view down across the city to the broad grey sweep of the river , sluggish and low at this time of year , but sacrificing none of its dignity .
26 ‘ We 've still got one horse , ’ said Crane glumly , ‘ but we might as well eat it for it 'll carry none of us . ’
27 Mm , cos mum had Reverend come round , you see cos dad were n't , none of us were religious least of all dad , he could n't do none of it , so we said to , we did n't , we did n't know what vicar to choose cos none of us go to church so me mum said dad used to go to the church where me sister got married to the little Derby and Jones twice a week and Reverend is always there so mum said we 'll have him , dad got on well with him , he liked him , he knew dad , anyway he come round to see mum and I were n't there cos I had to go and sign on , I bloody wished I had been , anyway she said , she told him all about dad and she said I want you tell everybody how brave he was in the war and what a good father he were and a good provider and how he lived for his grandchildren and so on and so on , she said I do n't want no hymns I just want his own organ music all through the service and nothing else and just some , do a couple of prayers , she , so he said right the Lords Prayer will be fine that 'll be nice , well he never said nothing , he said I did n't know John but he said I 've been told he was a good man , he worked in a hospital , which he did , but I mean you 're only like an engineer we were n't really emphasising on that and that was all he said , he played a bit of the organ music before we went in , a bit as we come out and there was about eight bloody prayers and the songs and everything read out and made us sing a hymn ever so disappointed , hardly said anything , hardly play , played his music , no , I was well disappointed about that
28 Did n't do none of your Oh-my-gawd theayter till after the war — second big job , you know .
29 A day 's work would n't do none of 'em any ‘ arm . ’
30 Hardy 's study , reconstructed in the County Museum in Dorchester along with other memorabilia , loses none of its fascination after repeated visits , and the splendid High Street remains in its outline much as it was in Hardy 's lifetime .
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