Example sentences of "[verb] myself [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The examples are too numerous to quote , so I shall confine myself to two .
2 My discussion has already set the parameter by the title above and I shall confine myself to these social issues of culture and education .
3 After a week of intensive treatment at Farnham Park my back was hurting more than ever , so I discharged myself without any hope of a cure .
4 But it seems that I can not rid myself of this fear of running short of money .
5 Come on , Luke , you 're the boss , the one with all the answers , so explain how I can rid myself of this resentment I feel at having you foist yourself on me again ! ’
6 Up to now I 've always resigned myself to rented accommodation , but it 's just not the same is it .
7 Well that 's why I did it because I do n't often get the opportunity to go out and enjoy myself like that .
8 I could never , never , never forgive myself for that .
9 I moved to a different phase and involved myself in witch-like pursuits , looking for a special spell ( they had already told me what it was to be ) .
10 Else I 'll rob myself of those animal-like perceptions , of the old scum instincts …
11 ‘ I am opening myself to new possibilities . ’
12 I 'll just grab my video camera then I can include myself on all my articles , invoices and letterheads .
13 For those who are n't totally sort of in control of the plot and I probably should include myself as one of them , what 's happening in this scene I want you to act out .
14 Erm , I seem to find myself in this committee in a minority of one .
15 If asked , I would describe myself as average height , with dyed black hair .
16 Did I describe myself as that ?
17 Amusing myself with such trivial thoughts , I waited for the rain to give up .
18 I finished my drink and helped myself to another .
19 I helped myself to some of the raw still-warm liver he was offering , realizing that I was being especially honoured as a guest .
20 I helped myself to some more red caviare and that wonderful dark sour bread , and watched the cashier noisily adding the takings on an abacus .
21 Without realizing , I found myself between two groups of youths throwing bottles at each other .
22 My original programme included the week 's Workshop in Jaipur and two lectures in Delhi , but in fact I found myself with many more professional engagements than this , through the Indian habit of ‘ cashing in ’ on one 's presence to arrange last minute lectures and seminars , and the Indian tendency to solicit one 's opinion of personal research , of Ph.D .
23 Wandering on , I found myself among dreary council flats , improved by a figure of Joseph holding the Baby high on a wall .
24 My first experience with boys was not a great success but it was n't the last , and later I found myself in worse scrapes than on that first occasion .
25 So I found myself in one of those " Catch 22 " situations and I chose the lesser one , and the one I thought I could defend .
26 Some things needed to change , but some needed to remain the same and I usually found myself in this place pulling at the forces of change as a child might pull at the reins of a runaway horse .
27 I ran away from him as fast as possible , and did not stop until I found myself in some fields .
28 After dinner , like some cultural tourist , I will introduce myself to these envoys from the past .
29 Basing myself on long experience of Churchill over the India Bill , I decided to disregard what he said and go straight ahead . ’
30 ‘ Call me if you need me in Theatre — but I 'd just as soon Tim Mayhew did it — I do n't trust myself near that bastard . ’
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