Example sentences of "[verb] ever [be] in " in BNC.

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1 Like every other Secretary of State who has ever been in charge of social security , I was under pressure from the Treasury .
2 ‘ Any soldier who has ever been in a war , ’ he said at the hearings , ‘ truly hopes he will never see one again . ’
3 ‘ No , not like anything that has ever been in the world before . ’
4 Hence , a political economy of the urban is scarcely more plausible now than it has ever been in the past .
5 ‘ Ask him , ’ I said , ‘ if Sheridan Lorrimore has ever been in any trouble that he knows of , apart from assaulting an actor at Toronto , that should have resulted in Sheridan going to jail . ’
6 But I do not think any traveller has ever been in a worse situation than I was then .
7 In socialist France , it is now higher than it has ever been in that country 's history .
8 First , safety expenditure under the Government and British Rail is higher than it has ever been in British Rail 's history — it has gone up from £140 million to £200 million .
9 In socialist France , unemployment is now higher than it has ever been in that country 's history .
10 It was the flight path the one man she 'd ever been In Love with had taken her for the first time , after a late film at the Paris Pullman , Kensington to Hampstead at two a.m .
11 ‘ It was a process of necessity , really but , since it was just me and a Portastudio , it was the first time I 'd ever been in the position of being able to write and record without any kind of pressure from anyone else .
12 Suddenly it felt dark and oppressive in the little office , heavy with all the unhappiness there 'd ever been in the Demdyke house .
13 I was probably more afraid than I 'd ever been in my life but I was too busy to notice it .
14 The two of them , closer in death than they 'd ever been in life .
15 Despite being more nervous than he 'd ever been in his life he hit a 3-iron from the edge of the fairway bunker to within 20 feet of the flag .
16 One moment she had been happier than she 'd ever been in her life , the next she was alone again .
17 But Dot could n't remember ever being in a place like this .
18 Soon he was exploring parts he felt no-one had ever been in before .
19 I was going to be lazier than I had ever been in my life !
20 During the last few days before the event , as spectators arrived from , Ayrshire was busier than it had ever been in its history .
21 My perennial thoughts of transsexualism and suicide never left me , but in many ways I was happier than I had ever been in my life .
22 For a while my self-loathing and judgement of self went deeper than they had ever been in my life .
23 Indeed , the furthest I had ever been in my pre-television life was a day trip to Loch Lomond on a bus .
24 She was more frightened than she had ever been in her life , but fright gave her strength .
25 Praying was ten times as hard as it had ever been in Africa , so was steering clear of hatred , a problem Isobel had never encountered before .
26 A hundred years before Elizabeth came to the throne no member of the human race had ever been in a position to make a map of the whole world ; civilizations had risen and flourished in different regions of the world but they had little or no idea of their geographical relationship to one another .
27 I even found it difficult to believe that she had ever been in cahoots with Mr Broadhurst .
28 As he finished shaving he found he was grinning broadly at his reflection in the mirror ; in that jungle dawn he knew he was as happy as he had ever been in his life .
29 Maggie was shown into a very expensive flat that overlooked the river and she had one of her rare glimpses of the owner as he stood with his back to a roaring fire and regarded her through eyes that were just as sharp as they had ever been in his youth .
30 Imagine his surprise , therefore , when he discovered that not a single German he met had ever been in the Nazi Party , let alone had even heard of a concentration camp .
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