Example sentences of "[verb] across that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Of course it would turn out that the dead girl was merely someone Jerome Fanshawe had come across that weekend and who had taken his fancy .
2 Well , I do n't mind him walking across that bit but
3 Imagine great herds of long-horns — perhaps three thousand head — walking across that landscape north , to where there was plenty of money and an appetite for beef .
4 ‘ I threw them all away a couple of weeks ago as soon as I came across that letter from Parkin , ’ Lancaster murmured .
5 The one who came across that body in Benbury Woods a year or so ago ?
6 ( When , as a schoolgirl , I first came across that line about the morning stars singing together , I was thrilled by it . )
7 In order to protect the interests of all people with care needs , of all people with dementia , who might end up in a private home , might end up in a voluntary home , might end up in Part 4 or might end up in a health service bed , it is necessary to look across that range of services at the general issues raised and see what can be done constructively in the interests of that total group of people with defined needs .
8 Oh yes they did for , for the increase in traffic I mean that er that er went on over the years gradually creep , creep , creep on until the whole atmosphere of the place was er I do n't know improved should you say or not I do n't know whether it 's er well it certainly has n't improved but erm it changed , it was such a lovely little place really , and of course you could run across the road whenever you liked I mean we used to play in Street of picking out in a sweet shop window er a name be Cadbury 's or chocolate or something you 'd be standing across the road and you 'd be running backwards and forwards backwards and forwards , there was no sign of anyone getting run over cos there was nothing about , and when I was a kid going to the Bluecoat School I 'd run across that bridge every morning without looking right or left , because if anything had hit me , well nothing used to be coming you could see a tram coming but oh there was nothing else at that time in the morning oh no it was , would n't like to run across today .
9 Get across that desk . ’
10 I walked across that way , over the crest of the island , easy walking on wind-swept turf which in a short distance sloped gently down towards the head of the cliffs , where clouds of sea-birds were already wheeling and screaming at my approach .
11 Yet there should have been if he had walked across that floor without his boots on .
12 The ride itself must be not less than 6 feet ( 1.8 metres ) wide so that the rabbits run across that gap before hitting the net .
13 If I allow myself to move one single muscle I shall walk across that floor and tear him apart .
14 Well you say silly thing but how else is she gon na get across that road ?
15 You 've got to get across that road quickly .
16 Noreen O'Neil looked good as she pranced across that stage to the catchy Irish tune .
17 You are now equipped to play the game : what is the ideal position for each of these machines allowing for you , the craftsman , to work around them and allowing for a board of a chosen dimension to go across that production set-up ?
18 the man goes across that boy comes back
19 Because the reason that er stile was blocked off in the first instance was there was a case where a child ran across that road .
20 The next time we come across that creep , he 's plastered .
21 John asked , remembering the appalling wetness of much of the land they hat splashed across that day .
22 Some of those who travelled across that frontier were illegal immigrants .
23 ‘ This piece was n't meant to denigrate feminism , and if it comes across that way , I think I failed . ’
24 The work of metaphor then involves the transfer of meaning across that space , from one site to another .
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