Example sentences of "[verb] around [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 As so often on this tour , Rubin Smith and Lamb were the main architects , both playing aggressively after David Smith , flown out to replace the injured Gooch , had hung around for some time to get accustomed to the conditions only to get a bruised thumb in the process .
2 After waiting around for some considerable time to see if there was any chance that Elector Carl Theodor would offer him even a temporary appointment , Mozart was informed that it was not to be .
3 If you look around for some field that has yet to be used in a crime story and then insist on using it when it has not filled you with enthusiasm , your book will be leaden .
4 The day is gone when a girl waits around till some man needs a wife .
5 He just knocked around with some very funny looking women .
6 ‘ You 've been making a fool of yourself , dripping around like some lovesick teenager .
7 A gang of girls I met in Coventry hanging around with some boys who , like them , were unemployed , said that when they were younger they did a bit of vandalising : " When I got pissed I smashed the windows of posh houses , " said one of them .
8 Type Report on Yugoslav Spitfires by Peter Arnold in the April issue ( p70 ) evoked many memories for me and caused me to rummage around for some half-forgotten photos of nearly half a century ago , and there it was , Mk VcJK808 ‘ B ’ with yours truly in attendance .
9 So , being a nosey bugger , which I am , I went into David 's room and looked around for some evidence of what actually might have happened that weekend because I was completely stunned .
10 Jane looked around for some other inhabitants .
11 He looked around for some measure of comparison .
12 Well basically erm , I go around in some of the streets and try and help people , families who have missed they 've lost their chi , erm lost people and try and reunite them .
13 It should come as no surprise then , that some of those who see bolting as fundamentally reducing the experience I 've outlined above , and which is our common heritage , should cast around for some solid arguments to counter its spread .
14 Meryl could sense the woman 's agitation and anger , and cast around for some diversion .
15 One day we were poking around in some sodden ashes by the rear exit and found a few slivers of celluloid with images on them .
16 He looked , little doubt of it , considerably relieved , but clearly there was something on his mind , for he stood hesitantly beside the table , his eyes scouting around for some object upon which to focus .
17 It would be wise to start rallying around for some back up !
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