Example sentences of "[verb] likely that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But in spite of all this it seems likely that during much of the nineteenth century this subterranean aspect of international relations was less important , and less prominent in the minds of both diplomats and policy-makers , than at any time in the last 300 years .
2 It seems likely that with traffic growth and the possible warming of Britain 's climate that they will increase .
3 It seems likely that at least some of the pathological effects of alcohol are related to its tissue concentration or the concentration of its metabolites , in particular acetaldehyde .
4 Insofar as there was any factual basis for people 's answers , it seems likely that for many it was MLR or bank base rate , which were between 12½ and 14 per cent at the time of the survey , and which are of course frequently mentioned in the press and on TV .
5 It seems likely that for a parent or spouse , the experience may well be comparable to the sorts of events and difficulties implicated in depression .
6 And in view of the later age of marriage and often long engagements of the Edwardian years , it seems likely that by the end of the nineteenth century there was a new degree of sexual restraint amongst many young adults of the working class .
7 It seems likely that in most species these two selection pressures interact to produce a compromise weighted according to ( a ) the particular foraging requirements of a species in a given habitat and ( b ) alternative means of protection from whatever predators may be present .
8 It seems likely that in every case , perhaps after much agonizing , they succumbed to the decision to ban News International publications : to do otherwise would have risked contractual misconduct , strong moral and political pressure from both colleagues and employers , and ultimately , probably , dismissal .
9 It seems likely that in the next few years funding will be increased minimally and competition will also grow .
10 It seems likely that in ways we can never measure , the preachings about the superiority of the life of the spirit may have been profoundly discouraging and alienating to mothers of very young children , who knew about the realities of their own lives and realized that these preachings were profoundly insensitive to those realities … .
11 It seems likely that in very primitive multicellular forms the main mode of communication was chemical — a substance released by one cell , say signalling for the cell to contract , could fairly quickly diffuse to other cells , ensuring that they too contracted .
12 Thus it seems likely that in the general process of longshore drift under the action of oblique waves , longshore currents and oblique rip currents may help in the movement of the finer material .
13 It seems likely that in glacial periods reefs would only have been karstified and not destroyed as envisaged by Daly .
14 With the advance of communication and storage technology , and the proven inadequacy of passive , unhelpful search programs — both of the keyword Boolean type and the browsing , phrase-matching type — it seems likely that in the not-far-distant future the old reference retrieval software will fall into disuse , intermediaries will be redeployed and we shall be able to throw away our front-ends to DIALOG .
15 Therefore , it seems likely that in coeliac disease extracellular cyclic nucleotide concentrations may reflect the abnormally high cAMP and cGMP content of mucosa from the small intestine .
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