Example sentences of "[verb] upon them [art] " in BNC.

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1 At a very early age the Spencer children had impressed upon them the value of good manners , honesty and accepting people for what they are , not for their position in life .
2 The children must have impressed upon them the need for personal cooperation within the classroom as essential to the variety of learning situations with which they will be faced .
3 Answering , she matched my silly spite with careful , sensible remarks ; politics , she said , was the art of the possible and a good man , once in power , might find himself forced to do some things not quite in accord with his principles , but this did not mean he had forgotten them , nor that he would not act upon them the moment he practically could .
4 In an aggressive competitive world , stress levels are high , wearing down the weak and the wet and forcing upon them a proliferation of ailments and diseases with the consequential poor decisions and non-profitable returns .
5 Both these versions of the expertise theory assure us that the special expertise of directors at once justifies conferring upon them the discretion to run the business and imposes a restraint on how they exercise that discretion .
6 It is extraordinary that the Minister should take it into his head that he knows better than people in the museums world , and impose upon them a period that nobody asked for — indeed , everybody asked for the opposite .
7 She lavished upon them the sort of affection she would have given to her family had there been any .
8 She does not , apparently , test her spellings by saying them as they look , but imposes upon them the correct pronunciation .
9 The Police Force of London was very anti-Jewish : but special measures were taken by Sir Samuel Hoare to enforce upon them the dire necessity of pampering the Israelites .
10 Tenants for life will be those who are entitled to a life interest under the provisions of a settlement and even though that interest merely confers upon them an equitable interest , they have the power to sell the legal estate .
11 In a conflict situation , have you ever behaved badly towards anyone else ; intentionally or unintentionally heaping upon them the blame you attribute to any of the figures you 've just thought about and identified ?
12 The Sublime Porte will grant the Servians , on their petition , the same privileges which her subjects in the Islands of the Archipelago , and in other parts , enjoy ; and will moreover confer upon them a mark of her generosity , by leaving the administration of their internal affairs to themselves — by imposing upon them moderate taxes , and receiving them only direct from them and by making the regulation requisite to this end in an understanding with the Servian nation themselves .
13 I am , as you know , not a religious man , but my version of a prayer is to contemplate those placider days , as if by doing it often enough , telling the beads in my mind , I can confer upon them a greater significance , sufficient to obliterate the terrible moment .
14 To have inflicted upon them a guest displaying anti-social and eccentric behaviour could not have been considered .
15 Given the influence over the culture and literacy of the majority of the population of an " unpropitious environment " and " alternative cultural media " , Bantock claims that attempts through education to impose a " book culture " on this majority merely inflict upon them an unacceptable " strain " .
16 Ministers will urge upon them the favourite concept of ‘ balance , ’ and good marks will be earned by not playing the game too hard .
17 A seminar held by Lothian and Borders Police in connection with road safety issues involving the older road user revealed that a key element to ensure enhancement of the safety of this group requires guidance to impress upon them the importance of individual responsibility .
18 Upper- and middle-class Victorian men relied on working-class female prostitutes to satisfy their sexual appetites , while demanding purity of their wives and inflicting upon them the impossibly sentimentalized and saintly ideal of the Virgin Mother .
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