Example sentences of "[verb] let [pron] down " in BNC.

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1 Platt has let me down
2 The Royal Horticultural Society Encyclopedia of Gardening ( Dorling Kindersley , 1992 , £29.95 , 0 86318 979 2 ) , a companion volume to the quarter-million-selling Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers , tries to be comprehensive for gardening techniques ; I have used it for all my practical enquiries for the last three months and it has let me down only once .
3 The commonest and most visible indices of field officer performance are negative , as an agency head explained : ‘ An area supervisor will sit there and say , ‘ So and so has let me down again .
4 Murray added : ‘ The player feels he has let me down and his wife was in tears when she rang .
5 I can imagine the man in the evenings , slumped in his armchair , a glass in his hand , brooding on how life has let him down .
6 He has let himself down badly .
7 The Christian life should be one of joy and peace , they feel , so either they have failed God or he has let them down — though they feel guilty for thinking so .
8 During that time it has let us down just once , stranding the deputy editor Michael Harvey in Hammersmith with a broken clutch cable .
9 The Government has let us down by not realising we needed investment .
10 The public has been marvellous it is big business and local Government that has let us down . ’
11 Fletcher said : ‘ Our batting department has let us down in both Tests , although everyone has been working hard on their game and how to combat their spinners on turning pitches .
12 How many times have you bought something that has let you down ( and not complained ) or worn a garment for just one season simply because it was the latest gimmick ?
13 To commit yourself when everyone has let you down .
14 ‘ I must say the old trousers he wears let him down a little — but at the wedding he 'll wear his best suit .
15 This is reflected in the endings of his films , his contrived resolutions , which always seem to let him down : his endings may be happy , but they 're seldom felicitous .
16 I did n't like to let her down .
17 Artemis attempted a smile to reassure him that she at least was n't going to let him down by crying , but he paid her no attention .
18 For a moment , as he screwed up his face in concentration , she thought her knowledgeable assistant was going to let her down .
19 I am not going to let anyone down in America .
20 ‘ I hope I 'm not going to let you down , Herr Direktor , ’ she said through tight lips .
21 ‘ I 'm not going to let you down , ’ Joanna said firmly .
22 They are my friends , they 've supported me and I 'd never want to let them down . ’
23 Frank was keen to carry on with his commitments in Blackpool … particularly with the Labour Party conference , he did n't want to let them down .
24 Say you were too tired this morning to remember to ask for permission to get up early to meet me and then woke at the right time and did n't want to let me down .
25 You start to see a pattern developing in your study and you do not want to let yourself down by not studying today .
26 I just kept working harder and harder as I did n't want to let anyone down and I did n't believe I would pick up a drink again .
27 Sadly , his body , which never was that of an athlete , began to let him down .
28 My start was beginning to let me down around this time — Ron and I were concentrating more on my pick-up — but I had the satisfaction of beating Calvin Smith quite comfortably .
29 But I do try to do let them down gently — unlike the way I handle my opponents . ’
30 It hurt very , very badly , but what hurt most was the awful feeling of having let herself down .
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