Example sentences of "[verb] himself [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 He kept twisting himself on to the side of his affected lung , but did not wake when I altered his position .
2 Nicklaus took note of Cathy 's instruction , and later gave her the credit when he found himself back to his old form in that week 's skins ' game .
3 Within days Charlie had lost all the profit he had made in the past year and suddenly found himself back to square one .
4 Brian Elphick had been on Lambeth 's housing list for twelve years , having insinuated himself on to it when engaged to a woman he never married .
5 Henry drew himself up to his full height of five-foot-three .
6 He bent double , hugging his thin chest inside his cloak , then drew himself up to his full height .
7 Dauntless drew himself up to his full height , causing the woman to squint up at him .
8 Cranston drew himself up to his full height and squinted at Athelstan .
9 Twoflower drew himself up to his full height , an easy task .
10 He gradually built himself up to a third championship in 1984 , when he emerged champion by just half a point from his McLaren team-mate Alain Prost in one of the sport 's closest battles .
11 He also says that Caesar started off in the lower classes and built himself up to where he stood and could only look down on the lower classes by turning his back on his friends and former colleagues .
12 Then he appeared to shake himself back to normality .
13 What , after all , is the difference between a priest acting in the highest sense of his vocation , or a prophet compelled into declamation , or such a saint ( even unknowing ) , opening himself up to the mercies of God , becoming a channel for them to the world ?
14 Ages seemed to pass although it was only moments , until a pollen-laden grass flower tickled his nose and he sneezed himself back to life again .
15 There was no night-porter , but he had a key and he let himself in to the deserted lobby .
16 Toby , on the other hand , just looked in on the way to the boarding annexe , and popped straight out again , while Corbett Farraday had no particular fear of the boys — were n't they all boys together at Burleigh ? and stayed in the Staff Common Room for no other reason than to work himself up to an approach to Penny .
17 Hyatt , a Canadian case which was decided by the Privy Council , it was held that where a director holds himself out to be the agent of the shareholders , then he owes the same fiduciary duties as would an ordinary agent to his principal .
18 With great difficulty , he levered himself on to his feet .
19 He lowered himself on to the toilet seat and jumped down on to the floor .
20 Rostov lowered himself on to his knees and sat back on his heels .
21 Shaking his big head slowly he lowered himself on to the chaise-longue and sat back carefully .
22 He lowered himself on to her breasts and she moaned as he held himself up on his elbows and barely allowed himself to touch her , his hard chest sliding lightly back and forth over the aching tenderness of her bosom .
23 He lowered himself on to the sofa and unzipped the top of his leather suit .
24 He lowered himself down to the bed and her hands frantically flew to his bare chest .
25 He could make himself out to be the apostle of order in Europe , but he had to devote far more his attention to order at home .
26 It is scarcely possible that the most incisive speaker and planner should have had to drive himself up to Newcastle for a meeting the other day — and in a car without a telephone .
27 And truly it was no longer , as I had once thought , a matter of a star courting success by adopting the affectations of a prima donna , but of a man who has given himself up to a trance .
28 On the same day Schalck-Golodkowski ( who had given himself up to the West Berlin authorities on Dec. 7 — see p. 37107 ) was released in West Berlin because there were reportedly insufficient grounds on which to open legal proceedings against him .
29 The attack also came only hours after Juan David Ochoa , 42 , a leading Medellín cartel leader , had given himself up to the authorities ; his two younger brothers were already in custody after accepting a government offer of reduced sentences and no extradition in return for their surrender and confession [ see pp. 37772 ; 37851 ; 37914 ] .
30 Official accounts of the trial noted that although he had been involved in plotting the occupation of Tiananmen Square , he had given himself up to the police and had shown " repentance " .
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