Example sentences of "[verb] before [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Hold on , you did n't count before we counted three
2 Four more batsmen had departed without the board showing fifty before Botham , dropped before he had scored , chanced his luck for 64 , and 33 from Downton helped the score to 191 .
3 Yes , there were er , I think there was one , two , three , four houses , four or five houses that were occupied before we came in , they were still building The Chantry incidently and er you know it was a it was quite a shock to us and the wife was a bit upset you know when having to , we came from Plymouth actually , Devon , and er the wife was a bit er down you know all the night travelling all night with the children
4 I already had permission to search all the surrounding fields , so I waited until the field was harvested before I gave it a thorough going over with my detector .
5 Should I lay them on the doorstep and vamoose before she responded to the bell ?
6 Opponents of the bill had argued that it amounted to " retroactive justice " by declaring illegal acts committed in another country and allowing the prosecution of people for offences committed before they became British citizens or residents .
7 Congratulations to the Mail On Sunday for checking before they stole the story , and to Passenger for being the first London shop to stock up on robots .
8 Indefatigably the Lionisers prowled their way along Albion Street and surged up the narrow Fort Road , but this time they stopped before they got to Fort House .
9 He almost stopped before he reached the end of the sentence , flicking his black eyes over the company to make sure no strangers were present to overhear , report , misrepresent his little blow against hierarchy .
10 You have n't — ’ I stopped before I said something he might take exception to .
11 Because we felt that the application for mining , the timing would be picked by the companies , there would be immense pressure on the people to change their position because at that stage it would be out in the open that there was money there and that it would be in the government 's hands and we felt we would lose that so what we had to do was get it stopped before it got to that stage ’ .
12 She stopped before she revealed her future plans .
13 She set it on the table , avoiding his stare , and made as if to leave , but stopped before she reached the door and looked in his eyes .
14 I was amazed to hear him say he did two hours ‘ warming-up ’ exercises before he did his muscle-building stuff .
15 This bitch was also mated before she came into quarantine in this country , where she produced a large litter of ten .
16 Some were wounded before they left the destroyer , including Stuart Chant and Sergeant Chamberlain .
17 Jessica and Karen , under the eyes of Mrs Roberts , had booked a taxi , and had had to take a farewell brandy with Mr Roberts while it waited , in case he should have gone to work before they rose next morning .
18 Hence his reluctance to start painting before he had mastered the incredibly difficult art of drawing — and drawing the figure especially .
19 The paper quotes Intel 's Dave House saying that the part will initially appear in the promised 66MHz version and a cheaper 60MHz version — Siemens AG is said to have been unable to drive the chip faster than 40MHz with cooling before it burned up .
20 In addition , ‘ bounty money ’ was paid from a fund created by Michelins , the tyre manufacturers ; Guynemer , the French ‘ as des as ’ , earned before he died the huge sum of approximately 15,000 francs ( which he handed over to a foundation for wounded airmen ) .
21 There was a short silence during which his face clouded before he said , ‘ You 're right , your personal life is none of my business .
22 bit here and I thought god that so I thought right I 'm gon na change places in that seat but your father 's sitting on , alright , I said go in that back seat , just behind us there were there or I said or I 'm just coming to sit where you are , I said I ca n't do four hours sitting like this , I mean I 'd have been boss eyed before I got , well I was I , I , all say look at that cloud
23 I would have been boss eyed before I got out of Lynn , I could feel it you know , squint through
24 If we have only been on cover for a short time and it is clear that the majority of the damage occurred before we came on cover , the claim should be referred to the previous insurers .
25 First , on the ’ liability for others ' acts ’ point , the Bill contains safeguards — as my hon. and learned Friend knows from his study of it — when the accused can show that the aggravating event occurred before he committed his basic offence or that he was not near the vehicle at the time .
26 Second , the only way of avoiding this presumption of responsibility is for the defendant to prove either ( a ) that the driving , accident or damage occurred before he took the car , or ( b ) that he was neither in , on or near the vehicle when that driving , accident or damage occurred .
27 Anyway — ’ She looked down on her partly eaten meal and her nose wrinkled before she went on , ‘ I 've got to go downstairs again , and you 'd better clear away here when you 've finished , then go into Mother and see if you can soothe her ruffled feathers .
28 ‘ How many men had you discarded before you decided to throw your lot in with a married man ? ’ he murmured , so casually that she said ,
29 ‘ And so thought it would be amusing for us to meet before you came up here ?
30 She knew why he had come before he knocked on her door .
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