Example sentences of "[verb] together [conj] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 The fact is ( however complex and messy the eventual analysis may be ) that the two kinds of process and relationship must have developed together and must surely be combined with one another in our understanding .
2 A residence order may be made in favour of two or more people who are not living together and may specify the period which the child shall spend in each household ( s10(4) ) .
3 Ramsey felt it odd that in two Christian churches , working side by side in a crowded port , the ministers could not pray together or work together and could hardly speak together .
4 The submissions may be drawn together but can appear anywhere in the judgment or they may simply also be scattered through the judgment amongst the judicial reasoning , which may itself be discursive .
5 No doubt it would not be beyond the wit of nature to join up the cellulose molecules sideways with primary chemical bonds so that it would be thoroughly tied together and would have much the same strength in every direction .
6 Five of London 's finest hairdressers have teamed together and will be opening their new salon , Parsons Skott , on Midsummers Eve , June 20th .
7 COSI is thought to be part of a much broader technology effort now coming together that will likely involve IBM too in some way , though no-one we spoke to was prepared to elaborate further for fear of upsetting delicate negotiations .
8 If you all disappeared together that would be , that is a fair criticism of the training department , but if it 's just the fact that all you 're doing is switching off then that 's O K because you ca n't help it anyway .
9 ‘ Colin Lambert has n't got two grey cells to rub together and will say anything to get his name in this column .
10 ‘ ( 2 ) Where 2 or more persons use or threaten the unlawful violence , it is the conduct of them taken together that must be considered for the purposes of subsection ( 1 ) . ’
11 Instead they agreed to stay together but would not sleep with each other .
12 Both the State and the family would like to avoid this happening , and a fiscal package is being put together that would enable the huge death duties owing to be paid off partly in kind .
13 The team , including Kelley as vice president of development and Paul Rajski as vice president of marketing , intends to develop a ‘ glueware ’ suite of integrated application development tools focused on getting all the pieces of a corporate system working together that will be marketed as the Software Factory .
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