Example sentences of "[verb] never [been] involved " in BNC.

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1 Miss Welty does not take up causes and has never been involved in any movement .
2 Until the 1982 health service dispute , she 'd never been involved in a trade union , nor had she ever gone to any meetings about anything .
3 I 'd never been involved in before as an Area Housing Officer , and just involved with day to day management , but with it being a clearance area it 's a totally different approach , and the sort of things that you deal with are totally different as well .
4 Erm er and it 's the way that we do it that 's made it made it very comfortable to go into something , like most of the people that come to see us and work with us , they 've never sold never been involved in advertising let alone sold it because erm
5 Now most people that come to see us have never been involved in designing or writing ads .
6 Angie Bowie : ‘ I never realized and had never been involved in who did what , but I suppose that amounts to , if one wants to look at it from Ken 's point of view , being the fly in the ointment , or of one wants to look at it from a real point of view as , in terms of property settlement and management , that I was being David 's manager at that particular time , because it was possible for me to advise him to do something about the things that really troubled him artistically .
7 She had never been involved in his business and as it grew , saw considerably less of her husband .
8 Derek was confident that she had never been involved in anything subversive in her life or , for that matter , anything which was not completely dignified and fully reputable .
9 The class of people for whom this may have been of paramount importance was not the traditional aristocracy which had never been involved in work , having merely inherited their estates , but those termed the nouveaux riches , the use of which term implies a much more direct involvement in the work process as the basis for capital accumulation .
10 To tell Luke the truth , somehow force him to accept that she had never been involved with Florian in the way he imagined , might just possibly put an end to his — his persecution of her .
11 She 's never been involved with another woman ! ’
12 Andre Jones says he 's never been involved in anything which calls for such team work … he says it 's like a racing driver steering while someone else has a foot on the accelerator …
13 If you have never been involved in any of the activities listed above then DO N'T …
14 Yeah I have never been involved in a one world week event at St Michael 's .
15 For those who have never been involved in the arts the exchange offers a wide range of opportunities to invest money with the aim of obtaining hard currency under a transfer deal system .
16 Most of them have never been involved in politics before , though all of them are Labour voters .
17 Erm I have to say that most of the people that come to us have never been involved in advertising .
18 Every year companies that have never been involved in selling abroad join the important , and often highly profitable , league of exporters or licensors and some even establish joint ventures or subsidiary companies in overseas countries .
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