Example sentences of "[verb] down to breakfast " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But it 's time to sit down to breakfast .
2 It did n't bear thinking of , but I thought of nothing else as I prepared to go down to breakfast .
3 She had not sat down to breakfast , preferring to eat a handful of dry Puffkins while she sought her shoes , nor did she utter any words of affectionate farewell , not being one for dissimulation .
4 It was next morning that Hazlitt came down to breakfast to find Coleridge with a letter he had just received from the Wedgwoods .
5 When we came down to breakfast the other guests were so absorbed in some news in the morning papers that they forgot the usual ragging of newlyweds .
6 His mother would find him still at it when she came down to breakfast in the morning .
7 One morning , Mother came down to breakfast .
8 The next day , when Edward came down to breakfast , Gordon Lang , the Archbishop of Canterbury , was waiting for him .
9 WHEN HE CAME down to breakfast next morning Wycliffe found the hall full of suitcases ; the conference was breaking up .
10 It could n't be left there for the old lady to find when she came down to breakfast .
11 He was already gone when she came down to breakfast , which did n't surprise her at all .
12 Back at home again I came down to breakfast one morning scratching my head and my hair started to fall out .
13 Thursday dawned as dully as the day before and Fabia got out of bed and went through the routine of getting showered and dressed and going down to breakfast with a total lack of enthusiasm or appetite .
14 She crunched through toast and marmalade while Rory had a shower , then said they had to hurry down to breakfast , she 'd need the bulk to make sure a hangover did not develop from the great variety of booze they 'd sunk the night before .
15 On one occasion an Irish visitor asked a late tenant , Mr Crawshaw , if the lady in white who had passed him on the stairs would be coming down to breakfast soon .
16 Coming down to breakfast I find raw , slanting cuts I never made on the loaf in the crock . )
17 The boys went down to breakfast , which the girl Charlotte had made for them .
18 The next morning , having hardly slept , she went down to breakfast feeling dreadful .
19 I dressed and shaved and went down to breakfast under the colonnade .
20 When she went down to breakfast there was the background noise of caterers clearing away the vestiges of the ball .
21 He went down to breakfast and was relieved to find that the Captain had not yet come down .
22 Dressed in a white sweater and faded jeans , Rachel went down to breakfast , her hair a mass of fresh curls after her shower .
23 That dull feeling followed her around as she showered , went down to breakfast , and returned to her room to consider what to do with her day .
24 Before we go down to breakfast we make sure we lock the door .
25 By the time I am sitting down to breakfast I ask myself , ‘ Where would I go ? ’ ’
26 Sitting down to breakfast could become an expensive family business with the cost of raw cereals likely to rise — along with sugar and honey .
27 Now a compression is , pressure on the brain , caused by fracture , bleed or blood clot now if a person has been suffering from concussion and it 's gone unnoticed , that bleed could be just carrying on and on and on and it could take up to four to five days before the compression shows itself so perhaps a week later they 're sitting down to breakfast saying ooh my head hurts , now the poor wife or husband , or whoever it is does n't know about that knock on the head that they had previously , unless somebody 's told them about it mm , so your casualty now is going to have this headache and a beauty , they 're going to be confused their levels of consciousness it will deteriorate face is very hot , dry flushed the pupils will become unequal and because of the pressure breathing becomes noisy if you feel the pulse , it 's going to be slow and strong and you will get paralysis on the opposite side to the compression , what are , what are the signs and symptoms of ?
28 Even if they 'd been sitting down to breakfast with a headless horseman . ’
29 Indeed , as Amiss saw with fascination , his first act on sitting down to breakfast was to open the tabloid at page three , fold it and prop it against the sugar bowl in such a way that the topless pin-up of the day was there to be looked at every time he got bored with the Telegraph .
30 He queued miserably outside the nearer of the two occupied lavatories for five minutes until it was vacated by a depressed-looking oriental , washed and shaved unhappily in cold water , put on his ridiculous uniform and ran down to breakfast .
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