Example sentences of "[verb] give the impression " in BNC.

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1 For a long time , the secrecy maintained by protagonists of drainage has given the impression that they have something to hide .
2 Meanwhile she has given the impression that , by looking to the earliest community of women and men , she has found a way for women to be Christian .
3 This has given the impression of a significant shift of resources in their direction .
4 Planning policies tend to run behind developments and trends , and all too often the planning machine has given the impression of existing more for the benefit of those who run it ( professionals and politicians ) than those who are served by it .
5 Er the things that she said were that women used more hedges , such as I think er hedges are sort of things that get put into the conversation if al allegedly if somebody wants to give the impression that they 're not quite sure , and they would n't w You know like I would n't want to say it for sure but I think that .
6 If Senna becomes champion , and to do it he must win in Japan and Australia , then Prost 's recent criticism of his treatment at the hands of Honda will immediately spring to mind regardless of a subsequent and rather naive document , signed by all sides and designed to give the impression that all is sweetness and light .
7 Police said they were elaborate devices , of similar construction , designed to give the impression they were bombs .
8 Police said they were elaborate devices , of similar construction , designed to give the impression they were bombs .
9 If someone starts to give the impression that it is our home and the residents are just people who come and live in it , then they usually do n't stay in the job , it 's as easy as that .
10 We understand they want to give the impression that the scope of the common desktop is well understood — but in the full knowledge that underneath , the details have not been fully worked out .
11 We understand they want to give the impression that the scope of the common desktop is well understood — but in the full knowledge that underneath , the details have not been fully worked out .
12 ‘ I want to give the impression to the rest of the world that things are bad but we are holding our own . ’
13 His genuine differences with Moscow about where authority in the communist movement should lie could be exploited to give the impression of a total break with the ideology itself .
14 Such numbers , and the controversial circumstances of several of the shootings , have sent Mr Burgreen scrambling to give the impression that his department is not completely out of control .
15 This is done to give the impression of objectivity and to distance the writer from the statements made in the text .
16 Not wanting to give the impression that Leo might confide in her , she left it at that .
17 People can not smell or touch each other , so new devices are needed to give the impression that people are in the room .
18 Ingleborough 's steep sides always manage to give the impression that the top of the hill has been sliced off ; when it 's cloaked in a mist cap , you can almost imagine a cone-shaped summit .
19 Exclusivism frequently occurs unintentionally but nevertheless effectively through the teaching of separate subject areas which tends to give the impression that they offer a complete explanation of something .
20 Erm a park tends to give the impression of being like a memorial park , erm equally it 's not just earmarked for football , which is it could be er seen as just that , the idea was that it would provide facilities for all types of sports and interests throughout the er throughout the area , particularly er girls , I know girls play football but there 's a lot of interest in er sport particularly hockey , and I personally would n't like to see it just dominated by football .
21 He said staff had to be aware of and attempt to neutralise the promotional tactics used to give the impression that health-care professionals endorse products , for example the provision of free pens , mugs and calendars with company logos .
22 We would not like to give the impression that Italy is all holiday resorts and art cities alone .
23 So I would n't like to give the impression that there are n't very many improvements that can sometimes be found erm that do n't involve that kind of fundamental change , I mean I think there many improvements of that kind .
24 The claims for regional policy , however , should not be pressed too far to avoid giving the impression that regional policies are the answer to the country 's current need for more jobs .
25 To avoid giving the impression that he had been suckered into coming by US military intelligence , and any reluctance he might feel in consequence to talk freely , Coleman was told to take George home to the family lake house near Auburn , Alabama , and to set him up for questioning by saying that the FBI routinely interviewed all students from the Middle East .
26 To return to the earlier days of the state , however , one must remark upon several other provisions of the Kanunname of Mehmed II if only to avoid giving the impression that , at least in these early days , the establishment of a hierarchy for the ulema meant that a scholar , once enmeshed in its toils , had no option but the long grind to the top of that particular profession .
27 All sides — Iran and all parties capable of doing something — can bring pressure to end this tragedy in such a manner as to avoid giving the impression that this was done to make trade or that one side has blackmailed the other into doing something it did not want to do . "
28 Also , it is necessary to avoid giving the impression that the respondent 's answers are in any way exceptional no matter how hair-raising .
29 He was determined to restore order in the countryside , to avoid giving the impression that nobles could force him into concessions , and to silence the most determined of his critics , but he neither abandoned the task of implementing the emancipation statutes nor fought shy of enacting the additional measures to which freeing the serfs gave rise .
30 If there was any criticism of the engine , it was that the aluminium alloys used gave the impression of not standing up the rigours of 40 years under the ground quite so well .
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