Example sentences of "[verb] when it comes " in BNC.

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1 Says Mandy Haines , 15 : ‘ I would like to be told what boys expect you to do and how they think you 'll behave when it comes to sex .
2 Once you have a few names , ask for estimates , but be sure to explain exactly what you want when it comes to details not included on the plans , such as the pattern of Artex on the ceiling , or the style of the doors , or perhaps you 'd like hardwood stairs .
3 One teacher who gives teenagers what they want when it comes to sex talk is headmaster Michael Marland , a leading author and authority on sex education in schools .
4 That 's it , press when it comes up connect to network press return , we must get beyond connect to network .
5 Yeah I do n't think she she would have that because see what the report says when it comes through .
6 It is , rather , the example of what a robust and subtle mind can do when it comes to shifting British planning policy around the table a bit .
7 ‘ Most people in the health service suffer from the feeling there are far too many layers of authority above them and far too many constraints about what people can do when it comes to running their own unit better .
8 Erm in my view the Secretary of State may come to the view on the latest figures that are available for him and erm No that is what I hope he will do when it comes to erm producing regional guidance .
9 It 's his department 's job to make sure the law 's being applied when it comes to fireworks .
10 What happens when it comes down to choosing the material you put on your albums ?
11 Shareholders can afford to celebrate when it comes to the dividend .
12 Truth is , the two cars are just about equally matched when it comes to acceleration in each gear .
13 If the property is in mortgage , then obtain the account number , as this may be needed when it comes to redemption .
14 But an interesting analogy with the US can be drawn when it comes to the Urgent Issues Task Force .
15 We asked Liverpool-based Goldsmith Williams ' solicitor Nina Roland , who writes the Echo Woman Extra 's LE Law column where these women stand when it comes to the question of access .
16 The word processor approach of a single column of text simply wo n't work when it comes to desktop publishing and proper typefaces .
17 They have to invent so many for other people they just ca n't be bothered when it comes to themselves . ’
18 So I think the two do n't equate in that respect , I think where they may equate , and again I 'm no expert , may equate when it comes to the ground forces
19 ‘ They seem to be jinxed when it comes to playing in the UK .
20 All three of them have produced when it comes to ‘ bottom line ’ basics which is why they all now appear in their respective sides automatically .
21 That is all well and good , but if separate nationhood is to be recognised when it comes to banding , the wishes of the separate nations should be heeded when it comes to the taxation that they want .
22 Now , I am sadly lacking when it comes to corresponding , but that time I did manage to write and thank her , adding that she would always be welcome to come and call if she ever was in the area .
23 So you ca n't con you can control when it comes but you ai n't gon na ch you 're not gon na control how much you pay for , for , for almost anything , I 'm afraid .
24 An insurance broker explained : ‘ Performance is n't the only thing assessed when it comes to car insurance .
25 So how do you think you 'll vote when it comes to the election ?
26 It is obvious United can no longer compete when it comes to buying the best .
27 This means that each one of them must know what human experience they each must share when it comes to the time of evocation .
28 St Ninian provided more evidence at Nottingham that sex and business do mix when it comes to racing .
29 In Aids to Scoutmastership ( 1919 ) Baden-Powell likened his movement to Montessori 's system of education applied to older youths , recommending this as ‘ the line that eventually education will take when it comes to be set upon a right footing ’ .
30 As well as suggesting disease and contamination with the word ‘ spotty ’ , Milton tries to put across the idea that the mighty size and grandeur of the moon , like that of Satan , will be reduced when it comes under human comprehension .
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