Example sentences of "[verb] i looked [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well , well she was , she was standing outside , I mean I looked at her this morning and I 've loo so I 've sort of looked at her , and I was going to speak to her and then this fella walked up and I thought , I , I mean I could n't gauge whether , and I mean my , I , I was thinking what I was going to say anyway , I was going to say er you know sa is it Paula so you perhaps do n't remember me but I , I , and then I was going to say I 'm Adrian , Adrian
2 I mean I looked through it this time .
3 I mean I looked through it yesterday and th there are a few reconciliations which would n't take much sorting out .
4 I now realise I looked for the wrong things .
5 Other performance results are more difficult to quantify , but a basic uncached 25MHz 486SX PC turned in Power Test results of around 7,000 to 7,500 , while the uncached Greenfield 33MHz machine I looked at this month came in at 8,619 .
6 When I returned I looked upon Pamela again with no small pleasure .
7 I remember I looked at the pile of Billy 's goods and chattels which were supposed to fit inside a twelve-by-six-foot room and saying : ‘ I came with a Sainsbury 's carrier — and I had trouble filling that . ’
8 Head 's gone on it anyway , he you know I looked at them closely , there 's nothing there at all .
9 I start wishing I looked like them , with elfin figures , no breasts and no hips .
10 Saw me looked after ; and educated over here .
11 I thought you meant I looked like a side of beef .
12 Yes a row of houses and of course when I saw I looked out the door and there was this plane swooping down like that and it seemed so low because they were aiming an and the bomb fell in the cattle market and , and I threw myself on to the stone floor , you see , and er and presently one of the ambulance men came round to my office door and he said , are you alright ?
13 With a heart beating as if it wanted to explode I looked at the two dead men ; I had never seen either of them before .
14 So as night fell I looked for information elsewhere .
15 And then she said on the , she said I looked at houses like this she said
16 To do my family credit , no one actually said I looked like an animated barber 's pole .
17 ‘ Well , I wish I looked like you . ’
18 My childhood was all about manners and how to hold your knife and fork and which glass to drink out of , and we had to curtsey , and as for my father , well , if I was looking like this — with blonde hair hanging down and the red lipstick — he would say I looked like a slut .
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