Example sentences of "[verb] i [prep] taking " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He was in a somewhat distressed state when he came to see me after taking Iris and her students to the Parc de Prafance . ’
2 He said : ‘ They tried to batter me into taking the job , then rang me at home and tried again .
3 The only thing that worries me about taking that out is that you then create a massive empty space , if you have got
4 I interviewed him when he became First Sea Lord and on one or two other occasions , and I always slightly regretted that my commitment to current affairs had prevented me from taking up Associated Rediffusion 's offer to spend two years with him , at home and abroad , researching and scripting the thirteen programmes they were planning on his Life and Times — a task subsequently and admirably performed by John Terraine .
5 I have always been an outsider ; my epilepsy has prevented me from taking part in many normal pursuits such as drinking or dancing , and this has encouraged me to be an individualist in art .
6 tell me about taking bearings , what do you do , let's give you an example , of some bearings to take , erm , and then you can tell me what you 're doing , so there 's a point there , and we 'll call that erm , P , just to be awkward , now let's say what we 'll do , this is what we 'll d , this is a typical problem in fact , erm , I 'll even draw that line on for you to start with , yeah , here 's the problem , a ship is sailing due North , okay , and when it 's at the point of A it takes a bearing on the lighthouse , so the lighthouse is somewhere , do n't know where it is , but bearing of L from A is forty five degrees , and the bearing of L from B , which is when the ship has sailed on a lot further
7 So I let them bully me into taking them round .
8 Right at this moment I 've awakened needs you thought you 'd buried , but in the cold light of morning you 'll blame me for taking advantage . ’
9 ‘ Very likely not , but that does n't dispense me from taking nourishment at regular intervals , nor other people from cooking and serving and ordering it for me . ’
10 Monica Shorten : ‘ My only regret is that the rival claims of the science departments and university clubs and social life distracted me from taking full advantage of my time in such an interesting community . ’
11 I 'm not even sure I should be letting you talk me into taking the phetam to Fraxilly rather than the FedPol .
12 Habitats , there 's enough bloody habitats up and down flowers growing out , I said well I said what 's to stop me from taking a bloody plough and ploughing all the bloody flowers up
13 ‘ It would matter to me if anyone suspected me of taking drugs — not just you . ’
14 It is only my subscription to Punch that stops me from taking a midnight walk off the roof .
15 The next fish I hooked eventually snapped me after taking most of my line , but I was not worried .
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