Example sentences of "[verb] that they themselves " in BNC.

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1 Blemish is simply about creating a bad atmosphere around a person , for example , ‘ What do you think about Jane ? ’ said by someone screwing up their nose — to indicate that they themselves obviously do n't think too highly of her .
2 Walkers pour over National Trust , Forestry Commission and Nature Conservancy information leaflets showing nature trails , with growing scepticism , not realising that they themselves are the problem .
3 In the sixties , polls showed that , even if they believed that they themselves were doing rather well , most British people felt that their country was doing rather badly , and falling further behind foreign competitors .
4 Another consequence of the labelling of Impressionism and other groups by critics was that some artists naturally decided that they themselves could do the same job better than the critics .
5 They take for granted that they themselves have a name they may be called by , as well as nicknames and endearments , alongside such designations as the kid , the boy , and so on .
6 As part of the denial of their own " family disease " they may believe that they themselves or the way in which they attempt to help others is what is inadequate rather than the capacity of the primary sufferer to receive the message of recovery .
7 Additionally , the defendants had of their own accord not relied on the clause in other customer disputes , which showed that they themselves tended to regard its limitation as unreasonable .
8 On the other hand , the great majority reckoned that they themselves had taken the decision to use a particular type of credit ( regardless of whether or not they had seriously considered any other type too ) .
9 Of course , anthropologists know that they themselves do not belong to cultures of this kind ; but rather to ones which present a jumble of themes , in which any impression of overall coherence is produced kaleidoscopically — that is to say , patterned arbitrarily with mirrors .
10 But the women know that they themselves made the changes happen .
11 This is probably one reason why linguists are inconsistent , making definitive claims they know that they themselves will shortly supersede .
12 Obviously , any such processes that can enhance environmental quality are to be welcomed , provided that they themselves do not lead to inadvertent environmental deterioration .
13 But in that there is common ground with Psychiatry : people who believe that they themselves are God are generally considered to be insane .
14 Although they privately felt that they themselves would properly decide the fate of the territories , even the most conservative mayors began to acknowledge the PLO .
15 For Foucault , the tendency of theories of ideology to entrammel themselves in the categories of psychoanalysis , even with the eternal in Althusser 's case , means that they themselves begin to utilize the very procedures of individuation that they ought to have been analysing .
16 I mean do you sort of maximise the good of all , or do you use a criterion of everyone thinking that they themselves are happy , or is it some other means ?
17 And they were so contemptuous of the Nazis and their cohorts they could not imagine that they themselves featured in the minds and machinations of such louts .
18 With charming naivety , they do not imagine that they themselves are the source of it : they behave as they do when they see a frightened horse , becoming agitated and desirous of flight .
19 We found that the decision to end a marriage tends to be unilateral , and is more often taken by the wife ; there is widespread evidence of regret , but this is confined to one party in most cases ; while some members of the divorcing population allege that divorce is ‘ too easy ’ , these people will often say that they themselves have struggled with their marital problems for many years .
20 In Simmons v. Potter ( 1975 D.C. ) the defendants , second-hand car dealers , succeeded in proving that the commission of the offence was due to ‘ reliance upon information supplied to him ’ but failed to prove that they themselves had taken ‘ all reasonable precautions , ’ etc .
21 The instruments for changing behaviour show an adapted regularity which suggests that they themselves have been subject to natural selection during the course of evolution .
22 The problems of crofting may be insoluble in terms of practical politics , but , if we look at them in the right way , we may find that they themselves are a resource .
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