Example sentences of "[verb] not believe [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Relating that to Labour 's ‘ unprecendented mass conversion ’ to moderation in Brighton last week , Mrs Thatcher said she did not believe her opponents now stood for home ownership , strong defence and financial rectitude .
2 Her parents did not believe her story but , when she said it had happened again , her father secretly observed her .
3 He did not believe her promise not to betray him , and he feared that he would now be caught , and hung .
4 They did not believe their blood was consecrated . ’
5 Though we had parted for ever , I did not believe our love was lost .
6 If I did not believe our politics — our socialism — worthy of majority support , I would not be in politics .
7 The five smaller parties represented in the new ‘ coalition government ’ yesterday withdrew their support for Mr Krenz , saying they did not believe his assurances that he was unaware of the large-scale corruption among the previous communist leadership .
8 The five smaller parties represented in the new ‘ coalition government ’ yesterday withdrew their support for Mr Krenz , saying they did not believe his assurances that he was unaware of the large-scale corruption among the previous Communist leadership .
9 The five smaller parties represented in the new ‘ coalition government ’ yesterday withdrew their support for Mr Krenz , saying they did not believe his assurances that he was unaware of the large-scale corruption among the previous communist leadership of which he was a vital part .
10 There was obvious tension between Slozil , Steffi Graf 's former coach , and Capriati and between the coach and Mr Capriati , who did not believe his daughter was spending enough time practising on court .
11 The bearded one did not believe his treacherous words , but gave him the benefit of the doubt and twenty-four hours to reveal the whereabouts of the vessel .
12 Although Computing Science ( or Computer Science ) as a field has changed dramatically in the last ten years and will continue to do so in the next ten , I do not believe its boundaries have altered significantly .
13 The known facts about Shakers are carefully set out by June Sprigg and I do not believe her work is a romantic history .
14 He did n't believe her story .
15 And then when he moved and Ellie could see who the caller was , she did n't believe her eyes .
16 yeah , but it goes from computer to computer , but summat 's gone wrong ai n't it ? , somewhere along the line , they 've rang the bank themselves maybe he did n't believe your dad or not I do n't know , she got back to him , she says , we 've rang your bank and they were very helpful , they saw it so what you have to do is ring Blackpool , she says as so as soon as Blackpool ring back , she 'll ring
17 Needless to say they did n't believe my story .
18 He did n't believe my story about the Star Zoo … until the robot told him it was all true .
19 Murder brought Raskolnikov to see that he did n't believe his reasons for committing it .
20 But Mme Flaubert did n't believe his petite histoire .
21 you did n't believe me same age as Mike
22 They hope that if they ignore the , the behaviour it will stop or they do n't believe their complaint will be taken seriously or that any action will be taken at all .
23 ‘ And I do n't believe his parents could have lasted too long either . ’
24 ‘ I think Roman will decide for himself , Dana , and I do n't believe his plans include marriage to anyone . ’
25 ‘ I do n't believe Our Lord would do a thing like that .
26 ‘ I am a modern doctor using conventional medicine but I do n't believe my system is better than any other so I 'll use anything to make my patients better . ’
27 I do n't believe my being a Black lesbian was of any political significance until I was elected chairperson on an EOP platform .
28 I do n't believe my early conceptions were too different from those of many ‘ Contact ’ readers who must have their own fond thought of glamorous America .
29 I can only give evidence and if they do n't believe my evidence , he 's innocent .
30 ‘ Personally , I do n't believe my uncle will be able to bring himself to do it when the moment actually comes .
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