Example sentences of "[verb] the [noun] training " in BNC.

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1 Fortunately for Norah and Surrey the Centre Principal recommended the Medau training course at Kings Cross .
2 Later , a container of tea punctuated the morning training .
3 The Department of Employment are insisting that the TEC use funds earmarked for other projects to meet the Youth Training guarantee .
4 ET was introduced in September 1988 , and replaces the Job Training Scheme .
5 Health Minister , Tom Sackville 's been inspecting the Ambulance Training Headquarters in Oxfordshire , as an example to follow .
6 Enthusiastic parents and even grandparents will run the football training sessions and volunteers can be roped in to help with recorders and other music making activities .
7 This branch of the agency administer the Manpower Training Scheme which is aimed at assisting companies with their adult training requirements .
8 I then joined the Air Training Corps , 336 Squadron , White City .
9 We also manage the Job Training Programme in West Belfast .
10 They call cleaning the floors training !
11 The new school was called the Tiller Training School and Lyric Academy .
12 Currently , the ACSET sub-committee has established a Working Group which is considering the management training needs of further and adult education staff and it is likely that a new document to complement and extend Haycocks III will be forthcoming before very long .
13 And he has warned the Prime Minister that some firms will soon abandon the Youth Training scheme if they do n't cut red tape .
14 Computer based training ( CBT ) incorporating advanced expert systems may be able to ease the maintenance training requirements of the future .
15 Er , after I had my children my whole body sagged and I 'd lost a lot of weight and I could n't put it on and I was really skinny and there was no way I could eat , eat a lot and I still would n't put weight on so I started on the weight training and that does n't cost me money and now I 've started putting weight on , so for the skinny kids I think the thing is to do the weight training
16 It was replaced in 1981 by the ‘ New Training Initiative ’ , a package of measures which included the Youth Training Scheme ( known as YTS ) .
17 As a student I supplemented my grant by joining the Officer Training Corps , which not only brought me many good friends but also allowed me to participate in various outdoor activities such as abseiling , pot-holing , parachuting and canoeing .
18 In 1981 he joined the South African Defence Force , surviving the pathfinder training with 44 Para Bde. , and taking part in operations deep in Angola .
19 Sixteen year old Liz Hallett saw the babysitting training courses advertised on TV .
20 Earlier this year it acquired the sales training agency Sales Booster International for £9.3m .
21 ‘ Management ’ ( which is relatively cheap ) is seen as the key to change : so education support grants are made available for management training , management consultants proliferate , and the Secretary of State sets up a high-powered task force to investigate the management training and development needs of heads and senior staff .
22 Can you remember when we did the classroom training .
23 We are continuing to deliver the youth training guarantee .
24 Mr Gareth Williams , QC , chairman of the Bar Council , said the advocacy training course for solicitors was inadequate .
25 Cornford 's individualism caused him to refuse to join the Officer Training Corps .
26 The younger children , who had completed nine years of school but who were not quite old enough to join the Hechalutz training programme , combined a half-day study syllabus with agricultural work .
27 Substantial proportions of 16 year-olds join the Youth Training Scheme ; about half of those leaving schemes obtain employment .
28 ( Left to right ) Fusilier Wilkes , Thompson and Morris , Lance-Corporals Evans and Parker preparing to spend the day training with German troops
29 The weights used should be increased once 3 sets of 10 repetitions have been achieved so as to make the weight training progressive .
30 Longman is already one of the U K's leading providers of business education materials and will use this base to develop and expand the Rank Training business .
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