Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] so you " in BNC.

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1 that could pay for itself if Colin got in so you 'll do that one get Colin to pay for it .
2 Perhaps you would like to come along so you can see the plant in operation ? ’
3 You shoot down the gas-bag , dummy , to make them jump out so you can machine gun them while they go down !
4 I 've been on to Di this long time and have one like that , then you can and put down so you can have more room , you know , when you put it out .
5 Yeah , it really wants to be all written down so you can read it off do n't it ?
6 They do n't know about cold so intense that rivers freeze over so you can drive a horse and cart across them .
7 There 's your calcium chloride what have we get left over we 've got this we 've got hydrogen carbonate and that was really should have been your answer but then you know carbon dioxide came out so you just took it out and you got water left over .
8 and he said crikey look at this , what am I gon na do here and he sort of had to fill quite a big gap in , but he sort of pushed it and filled it and then the wallpaper goes up so you can just see it , a little bit , what 's a name now , just in the hall there 's a bit
9 She just made up so you give her some money !
10 I never had a map you have n't joined up so you know which country
11 After this section you will have a summary table to fill in so you can see your answers at a glance .
12 Ooh I know , but it 's staying off so you 'll realise why !
13 And you try and find a place but you ca n't find one but you said you 're moving out so you 've got to go along with it .
14 The space rattled with loud disconnecting sounds which echoed about so you could n't tell which direction they were coming from .
15 And i i it magnifies the sound as it 's coming through so you 're lying there and you think , there 's somebody in the back !
16 You are , you 're starting off so you go , , then you suddenly realize , I know this , you 're going .
17 You wo n't learn where I 'm holed up so you ca n't give anything away .
18 It 's sort of bandaged up so you ca n't see the skin .
19 It takes you bleeding ages to start up so you definitely got to have exercise with your legs .
20 You said you met the Wyre post boat coming back so you did n't
21 He sa he 's just discovered everybody 's gon na be colouring in so you could see the deterioration in the wi
22 Now there 's no need to learn all of the tables erm er what I will do is if you want any more lessons I 'll do you some special tables cut down so you only have to learn about half the normal and then you 'll know them all cos if you know two sixes .
23 Right I mean it could be that that the th the glide from first vowel in the diphthong to the second one and that that 's gone off so you 're left wi with a
24 Plus the insurance on the house would pay up so you 'd have , ha bloody hell , so you 'd have about sixty grand in the bank .
25 Dow down there , and turn around so you can get through and get the curve .
26 You then turn round so you 're facing forwards and constantly adjust the risers to keep the wing overhead .
27 Well , I tried to turn it into a joke — not a very good one , I admit — but I said something about that party game called consequences , you know where everyone writes down innocent things that get strung together because nobody knows what the others have written and it gets all mixed up so you get a silly story with a stupid ending .
28 If not , move around so you can .
29 If you 're in the situation where you 're waiting to come onto the roundabout , you see somebody who 's indicated left , you assume they 're gon na turn off so you pull onto the roundabout and they 're not ,
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