Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] faced with " in BNC.

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1 Now those of us who 've been involved on the Moat Highfields sub committee will have a need to know that when we were faced with really serious and horrendous problems , we found when faced with the reality and a great deal of detailed information , that an extraordinary amount of three party cooperation was achieved .
2 They exhibit to an exaggerated degree that intolerance and sense of unease we all show when faced with information or experience which we can not readily assimilate and ‘ make sense of ’ ( as we say ) by fitting it into our existing knowledge and categories .
3 Pollsters generally face people with questions in the abstract and in this situation may elicit responses different from those which people might give when faced with an issue of direct practical concern to themselves .
4 The children viewed him with wary respect , since , in spite of his air of benignity , he frequently exploded when faced with old chewing-gum stuck under the pews , the choir guardedly shooting craps during the sermon , and similar juvenile straying from the path of righteousness .
5 Then again , none of us can say how we would react until faced with the situation .
6 The best thing to do when faced with cupboard traumas is to buy lots of clever accessories that hang from every available hook .
7 In making up their minds what to do when faced with the expected no-confidence motion from Labour therefore , the Liberals were put in a most unenviable position .
8 Even less is known about the strategies ( the choice of technology , product or market ) they followed when faced with the increasing loss of markets at home and abroad .
9 So they get thrown when faced with a canvas which represents nothing other than form or shape or colour and they get thrown because they have n't the vocabulary , it seems to them , to respond to it , and they feel the need to respond verbally .
10 The thought of entering the disaster area of an elderly widow 's grief and shouldering some of the responsibility for helping her to bear it , and to rebuild what is left of her life , is enough to create feelings of anxiety in anyone ; and admittedly this can be a very difficult assignment , for not only will you be well aware that you are unable to give her the one thing she really wants — the return of her husband — but you will feel , as we all do when faced with the bereaved , that their personality seems suddenly to have been crushed like a flower under the heel of a vandal , showing it to be so fragile and vulnerable that almost any attempt to revive it would seem to be doomed to failure .
11 But given the greater semantic generality of typical Arabic conjunctions , what does an Arab translator do when faced with an array of explicit conjunctions in the source text ?
12 ‘ We only seem to start playing when faced with teams near the top of the table , ’ he admitted .
13 Wilson 's stature , it becomes increasingly clear , is dependent on the sheer variety of his talents , for he can do , effortlessly , what most novelists now fashionable could not begin to effect if faced with a firing squad — create Sylvia Calvert , for a start ; pin down a very minor , but necessary , character in a couple of sentences ; employ fictive skills to celebrate human qualities that are not marked by intellect .
14 If it is true that kings only legislated when faced with an urgent need to enhance their standing with their subjects by prestigious acts of law-making , the appearance of royal codes of law in Kent and Wessex at this time may reflect something of the very considerable crisis through which these regions had recently passed .
15 What abilities do they have compared with others who suffer when faced with similar situations ?
16 A postal survey of a national sample of 250 managers of large hotels found that of the alternative strategies which are favoured when faced with new competitors a change in prices is regarded as relatively unimportant whereas non-price strategies , such as sales promotion and refurbishment of premises , are .
17 It may be for this reason that governments committed to full employment are likely to allow the money supply to rise when faced with excessive wage claims or with rising import prices in the economy .
18 This chapter is designed to answer a simple question — what do school librarians and teachers , with little or no experience of microcomputers , need to know in order to overcome the initial uncertainties which people have when faced with new technology ?
19 It is vital , therefore , to recognise the difficulty many staff experience when faced with an alternative view which may contradict and threaten the very philosophy around which their thoughts and teaching style has developed .
20 Even animals that normally live relatively lonely lives may find it safer to congregate when faced with a particular danger .
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