Example sentences of "[verb] [v-ing] down [art] " in BNC.

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1 He had been disappointed to find Dr Ockleton absent from his rooms in the morning , but a pretty girl in jogging kit , who had come loping down the stairs whilst he was knocking at Ockleton 's door , had run on the spot long enough to tell him that the doctor lectured on Tuesday mornings and that Harry would probably have better luck after lunch .
2 Once , when he had been late and a crowd of louts from the factory had started to shout at her , calling out about her legs and what they 'd like to do to her , Georg had come storming down the road on a bicycle , jumped off , and knocked two of them down before the rest ran away .
3 She had enjoyed travelling down the river with him .
4 Forester waited until the postman had come freewheeling down the track , and then as the momentum was spent and the postman pedalled off into the morning Forester started to move downslope towards the cottages .
5 Finally Don Marco came rattling down the track in his battered Fiat and shook Haverford enthusiastically by the hand , ignoring the rest of the family .
6 ‘ In the midst of the conversation at his house in the wooded hills of Northern Virginia ’ , she recorded , ‘ a neighbour 's horse came galloping down the road , riderless .
7 ‘ He jumped out and came galloping down the street , waving a sort of a club .
8 Louis came bounding down the stairs .
9 Grooms came at once , and briskly , to take the bridles , and a spruce page came bounding down the steps from the hall door to greet the newcomers and discover their business here , but he was waved away by an older steward who had emerged from the stables .
10 Then Mum came rustling down the stairs in her almost-new taffeta dress with its leg o' mutton sleeves .
11 The wind came howling down the street full of rain and incipient snow .
12 Maggie came hurrying down the stairs , followed by two little boys of about four and three .
13 The gate to a tiny courtyard was open and , for an instant , Lindsey hung back , watching in rapt fascination as a dark-haired , slender figure came hurrying down the steps towards them , cloth in hand , and flung herself into Niall 's arms .
14 The next moment something heavy came clattering down the stairs .
15 Nick came clattering down the stairs , solemn-faced with irritation , and looking fit to kill his sister .
16 Fiver came limping down the path with Pipkin .
17 So it was a quietly defiant Alistair who , the next morning , came plodding down the stairs , and glanced at the splayed mail on the shelf as he headed for the door .
18 Just before noon George heard his mother 's pony and trap coming down the road .
19 Casting flashes can often be seen running down the sides of objects such as bronze palstaves ( fig. 5.8 ) , which were cast in two-part moulds .
20 Philip came running down the stairs .
21 Will 's sister , Joan , opened the door , and then Will came running down the stairs .
22 One morning , Azmaveth came running down the corridor outside Lucien 's room to intercept him before he went to his practice .
23 She came running down the stairs .
24 The smell of scorch came floating down the stairs , very strong .
25 It set in motion what we call a debris flow , a mixture of 50-ton boulders , rocks , sand and gravel bound together in a kind of slurry , which came rolling down the side canyon and dammed the river .
26 A police Land-Rover came bumping down the track : ‘ You rotten bastards , keeping us talking . ’
27 Determined not to hold Penry up , she made her purchases at such speed that she was outside , waiting , when he came striding down the narrow street to collect her .
28 On seeing the car , she rose immediately and came tripping down the drive to unlock the tall iron gates .
29 No , I 'm going rowing down the rowing club .
30 All four began galloping down the track .
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