Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] think i " in BNC.

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1 It made me think I was going to abuse my own kids .
2 The angle of the lamp cord on the bar made me think I saw a hearing-aid cable extending from Fielding 's ear .
3 I suppose the , the sort of things that made me think I might be suitable for social work have been coming from working with the young .
4 I do n't think I think I have set a new Ashmore record .
5 Maybe he 'll phone tomorrow , d' ya think I 'll get four out of that ?
6 I said , well what d' ya think I 'm gon na do like ?
7 What d' ya think I am , a multi- millionaire you ?
8 Why d' ya think I 'm not on Josie la , erm I 'm recruit number two .
9 What d' ya think I 'm gon na drink down the park ?
10 Well , now that I 'm too big for me boots , d' you think me legs 'll sprout ? ’
11 D' you think I do n't know what 's right , what 's proper ? ’
12 ‘ Course I will — what d' you think I 'd do with them , flush them down the loo ? ’
13 D' you think I 'm so stupid I 'd glue this thing to my head on purpose ? ’
14 D' you think I walk between the drops ? ’
15 ‘ Here , what d' you think I am ?
16 ‘ I ai n't gettin' out while you 're here , what d' you think I am ? ’
17 D' you think I 'm an idiot ? ’
18 D' you think I should travel with him ? ’
19 D' you think I 'm stupid or something ? "
20 D' you think I 'm stupid or something ?
21 " D' you think I have devils , Kate ? "
22 ROBBIE D' you think I 've come to confess again ?
23 D' you think I 'm well off , is that why I live in this flat , on this estate where no one talks to you because they 're afraid and people like you can come bursting in any hour of the day or night because the place is so badly built the locks do n't fit the doors anyway .
24 D' you think I did n't ?
25 What d' you think I 've been thinking about all the time ?
26 D' you think I 'll let him die ?
27 ‘ Why d' you think I 'm in Washington ?
28 D' you think I could use the hospital phone ?
29 How d' you think I feel about you spending your days in a country full of sectarian murders , riots , corruption and all the rest of it ? ’
30 D' you think I might have a cup of coffee or is that reserved for the police force ? ’
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