Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] think it " in BNC.

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1 It shows signs of spreading , which made me think it must be lead and , therefore , a .22 .
2 ‘ I just said , it looked to me at first as though it was a woman , then just something made me think it might be a man . ’
3 It was n't a sound I ever remembered him having made , but certain things about it made me think it came from Quigley .
4 There were concerns about er that type of building at one time but er d' ya think it is quite suitable for Orkney ?
5 D' ya think it 's harder to talk to the person you ca n't get .
6 D' ya think it was the rain , maybe ?
7 He says , wha she says , how much d' ya think it 's worth ?
8 D' ya think it might be worth writing to some of the and asking them to donate any paper plates ?
9 ‘ What d' you think it 's for ? ’
10 ‘ What d' you think it 's like in a ward right up top ? ’
11 D' you think it 's like flying ?
12 D' you think it 's frightening ?
13 D' you think it might be raining soon ? ’ he says . ’
14 ‘ What d' you think it 's going to be like , Joe ? ’
15 " D' you think it 's all right then ?
16 D' you think it 'll be you again ? ’
17 D' you think it 's very perverse of us to want to be together and yet keep finding ourselves apart ? ’
18 D' you think it 's the wheel of fortune ?
19 ‘ You 've let him think it , ’ Mrs Alderley said repressively .
20 So I let them think it and played the game . ’
21 But it was sort of let me think it was over and it only looked about that big .
22 But if Mrs Longhill felt better that her servant had fallen from grace in distant Barnswick , then let her think it .
23 I let him think it was mutual . "
24 What made you think it was n't ?
25 Floy did not say : even though we do not really trust you , but Fenella and Snodgrass both felt him think it .
26 Neither do I think it altogether heretical to wonder whether some diseases attributed to evil spirits may not have been forms of mental illness .
27 Nor do I think it necessary to consider for the purposes of the present case to what extent the common law may provide the public authority with a defence to a claim for the repayment of money so paid ; though for the reasons I have already given , I do not consider that the principle of recovery should be inapplicable simply because the citizen has paid the money under a mistake of law .
28 ‘ And how do I think it is ? ’
29 I think whatever you do I think it 's got ta be done and if she can if she thinks she 's won and all the rest of it
30 Do I think it really works ?
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