Example sentences of "[verb] [coord] a third " in BNC.

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1 Fighting broke out in one of the markets , two people were stabbed and a third sprained his ankle when a stall of onions collapsed .
2 Encarnación Valdivia and another leader of the re-contras ( rearmed ex-contras ) were seriously injured and a third leader , Leonel Benavides , was killed in an ambush by re-compas ( rearmed ex-Sandinistas ) in northern Nicaragua , it was reported on Jan. 9 .
3 Police said two city sports stadiums used to house detainees over the past few days were filled and a third had to be used .
4 Initially , just two of the canoeists capsized but a third also got into difficulties after he and two colleagues attempted to rescue their friends .
5 Initially just two of the canoeists capsized but a third also got into difficulties after he and two colleagues attempted a rescue .
6 Carl Haywood , Angus Spence and Alexander Woods appeared at Teesside Crown Court following one night in Darlington last June during which two men were assaulted and a third had his car badly damaged .
7 One officer was forced to resign , another had wages cut and a third was fined .
8 At higher drug/DNA ratios the proportion of the decay represented by the longest species decreased and a third intermediate component was evident .
9 Throughout the great early Irish epic tale Táin Bó Cuailnge there are times when one of the heroes , King Conchubar , spends a third of his day feasting , a third watching the young warriors wrestle and a third drinking coirm until he falls asleep .
10 Two pupils were released but a third was detained .
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