Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] served as " in BNC.

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1 His climbing days were cut short in 1957 when he caught polio in the Himalayas , but he remains a dedicated walker and has since served as President of the Alpine Club and on the Mount Everest Foundation .
2 He has also served as deputy sub-divisional commander in Newton Aycliffe , and deputy divisional commander in Bishop Auckland .
3 He has twice served as parish priest there over 10 years .
4 Mr Graves joined the firm in 1988 and has recently served as technical manager before becoming technical director .
5 Mikhail Gorbachev , the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union ( Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Sovietskogo Soyuza — CPSU ) , was elected to the new presidency on March 15 , having already served as executive President of the Soviet Union since May 1989 in his former capacity as Chairman of the USSR Supreme Soviet [ see p. 37297 ] .
6 In 1856 French secretaries of embassy and legation were divided into three classes and it was ordered that no one was to reach the third and lowest class without having already served as an attaché for three years , while everyone must spend at least three more in each class before being promoted to a higher one .
7 Two young economists , Fatos Nano and Shkelqim Cani , were appointed Deputy Premiers , the former having been brought into the government in the last reshuffle , in December , as General Secretary of the Council of Ministers ( in which capacity he was now replaced by Aleks Laurasi ) , and the latter having previously served as Director General of the Bank for Foreign Economic Relations .
8 Do Quoc Sam , 62 , took over as Chair of State Commission for Planning , having previously served as its deputy chair .
9 His replacement , Ivan Jarnjak , had hitherto served as Deputy Interior Minister .
10 The twelve were there , in the big room that had once served as a dining room in this grand old house .
11 In an open letter on Sept. 7 to the Uzbek Supreme Soviet , Shakurulla Mirsaidov , who had formerly served as Uzbek Prime Minister and had been Vice-President until November 1991 , announced his resignation as Deputy Chair of the Uzbek Supreme Soviet and as a people 's deputy , because of " the replacement of democracy and openness by an authoritarian regime " ; increased repression of the opposition had been noted in Uzbekistan in preceding months [ see p. 39010 ] .
12 In reality , Spiro 's main contact was Dr Adnan Mroueh , a Shia Moslem gynaecologist who had also served as a junior minister in the Lebanese Cabinet .
13 This post had often served as a launching-pad for a future general-secretary as the careers of both Erich Honecker and Egon Krenz in East Germany show .
14 It was ten to twenty times more powerful than a candle , and thus encouraged the furniture into the room away from the fire , which had often served as supplementary lighting .
15 The surviving accounts of his triumph dwell on the size of the booty , but of greater interest to us is its dispersal : statues were dedicated in Italian and even in Spanish towns , where Mummius had earlier served as praetor ( judicial magistrate ) and provincial governor .
16 Janet Walters , an Oxford history graduate who had previously served as a full-time tutor in Northamptonshire in 1943–45 , arrived in August 1952 but resigned two years later : she went on to a successful career in adult education , eventually retiring as principal of Hillcroft College , Surbiton , in 1982 .
17 None had previously served as Home Office Ministers , although Lord Thorneycroft had chaired the policy group which had produced Crime Knows No Boundaries in 1966 .
18 The Ringstrasse was built on a huge tract of open land surrounding the city which had previously served as a military fortification .
19 Gen. Vieira , who had previously served as a minister for the Azores Islands , replaced the interim Governor , Franciso Murteira Nabo , who had been appointed in September 1990 following the resignation of Carlos Melancia over corruption allegations [ see p. 37714 ] .
20 He had previously served as Deputy Chairman and as a member of the Central Council ( since 1986 ) .
21 The difficulty is that its traditional features — communal tenure , a three-field system , and growing land pressure — have often served as all-Russian criteria , but they did not apply to the West .
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