Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] be false " in BNC.

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1 Yet the statement is now considered to be false .
2 Nevertheless if the judgment happens to be false , it does not automatically become meaningless .
3 On the other they disapproved of some of the impediments which had been erected in the twentieth century : the requirements of a lis inter partes and a superadded duty to act judicially were said to be false constraints .
4 Consequently 1940s ' optimism about a finite amount of ill-health and disease susceptible to a comprehensive health care system was seen to be false , based on erroneous concepts of health and illness .
5 Paradoxically , the manner in which a given biographical narrative chooses to be false determines the extent to which it can make claims to truth .
6 If the fact that the label is encoded there helps in the interpretation of a pronoun referring to that object , the other half of Sag & Hankamer 's hypothesis — that deep anaphors are interpreted with respect to only a mental model — will be shown to be false .
7 Scientists then take these unfinished , inexact hypotheses and present them to other scientists for the express purpose of seeing if the hypothesis will not in fact be shot full of holes , hoping almost that it will be so shot , because Knowledge and Truth are thereby served , if only negatively , in having one more tenuous , groping hypothesis about the nature of the world shown to be false .
8 On appeal , this assumption could be shown to be false and the village ends up with a significant new development site ; it is this type of appeal decision which leaves the layman surprised and frustrated at the way in which the system operates .
9 In the spirit of this observation , however , it is not enough to argue that Marx 's views have been shown to be false by the continuing development of capitalist socialisation .
10 Alas , this conclusion was shown to be false in no uncertain manner when , on Christmas eve , instead of being fed , he had his throat cut .
11 According to falsificationism , some theories can be shown to be false by an appeal to the results of observation and experiment .
12 Both these denials had been shown to be false .
13 In particular , his idea that the depths of the sea were lifeless was shown to be false with the deep-sea dredges begun in connection with the laying of telegraph cables beneath the oceans .
14 Never apply it to a document that you know to be false or incorrect .
15 However , in the passage in which he specifically considers whether a woman can be ordained , his answering in the negative , it must be pointed out , is dependent on biological presuppositions which we now know to be false .
16 This I subsequently discovered to be false .
17 Most are known to be false .
18 But in libel law , it generally refers to dishonest writing or reporting — the publication of facts which are known to be false , or opinions which are not genuinely held .
19 Quality : Do not say what you believe to be false .
20 And some people think that this matters : that when it 's wrong to mislead people — which it usually , if not always , is — then it 's not quite as bad if you can manage to do it without actually saying anything you believe to be false .
21 The only thing that 's ever wrong with saying something you believe to be false is that you do it in order to mislead someone whom you think will believe what you say .
22 These principles are expressed as follows : ( 13 ) The co-operative principle make your contribution such as is required , at the stage at which it occurs , by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged ( 14 ) The maxim of Quality try to make your contribution one that is true , specifically : ( i ) do not say what you believe to be false ( ii ) do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence ( 15 ) The maxim of Quantity ( i ) make your contribution as informative as is required for the current purposes of the exchange ( ii ) do not make your contribution more informative than is required ( 16 ) The maxim of Relevance make your contributions relevant ( 17 ) The maxim of Manner be perspicuous , and specifically : ( i ) avoid obscurity ( ii ) avoid ambiguity ( iii ) be brief ( iv ) be orderly In short , these maxims specify what participants have to do in order to converse in a maximally efficient , rational , co-operative way : they should speak sincerely , relevantly and clearly , while providing sufficient information .
23 Cordelia , like Coriolanus , is being forced into a ceremony in which she would have to be false to her own nature .
24 When eventually the story was checked it was found to be false , evidently initiated as part of an intercommunal feud by a tribal group which held a grudge against the government .
25 Other components have been found to be false , or unhelpful .
26 In everyday language , it is often the case that an apparently unproblematic ‘ observation statement ’ is found to be false when an expectation is disappointed , due to the falsity of some theory presupposed in the assertion of the observation statement .
27 By contrast , a scientist who produces results which are later found to be false runs the risk of losing respectability amongst his peers , advancement from his employers and future support from funding institutions .
28 The Apollo missions have confirmed that the Moon is lifeless ; all the hopes that Galileo 's observations promised of another inhabited world have proved to be false .
29 … Its report restored to the public a sense of security , which had been badly shaken by Lord Hewart 's book , and which subsequent events have proved to be false .
30 The verificationist who is unwilling to admit the possibility of such facts ( in this he is a consistent anti-realist ) must therefore say that such a statement , though perhaps it may be determinately false when one of its consequences is observed to be false , still can not achieve determinate truth .
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