Example sentences of "[verb] [modal v] give a " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , the study we propose will give a good foundation for exploration , and is certainly the most essential and important investigation of all for the young composer who wants to find his way ahead .
2 The strong glasses needed will give an odd appearance to the eyes which may result in teasing and although the child may see well directly through the glasses , there may be difficulties with the peripheral vision and mobility will have to be watched .
3 It is anticipated that the results produced will give a better understanding of firms decision making processes regarding depot location in addition to valuation of road network improvements .
4 He was a trusted friend and one of the few people ever to have been in the Prince 's employ who spoke frankly to him , and when asked would give an honest , if sometimes unwelcome , opinion .
5 For the collapsed scale B can range between 1 and 6 , unbiased responding would give a value of 3.5 .
6 An overstocked tank coupled with overfeeding will give an excess of nitrite , ammonia , and nitrate build-up that no filtration in the world could control .
7 If pre-exposure endows a stimulus with inhibitory properties then such a stimulus should readily come to serve as a CS- since the inhibition already acquired should give a head start .
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