Example sentences of "[verb] [be] near the " in BNC.

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1 This must have been near the end of the furnace 's working life , as some time during the following decade , the buildings were converted to a paper mill .
2 A. G. Griffith , Professor of Public Law , University of London , may have been near the mark when he wrote , ‘ In both capitalist and communist societies , the judiciary has naturally served the prevailing political and economic forces .
3 They 're a bit scattered around — we must have been near the bottom of the pile , I 'm afraid . ’
4 Prentice must have been near the top of the class .
5 It was tucked into a corner of Bulak and must have been near the river , for once Owen caught a glimpse of ship masts at the end of a street .
6 He is believed to have been near the scene of the crime and to have a record of sexual assaults on girls .
7 That this was significantly new is demonstrated by the bitter resistance to it from people who had been near the heart of the Church , yet it was finally approved overwhelmingly and constitutes the most precise dogmatic statement within this ‘ dogmatic constitution ’ .
8 I read the reports of interviews the police had had with people who had been near the river at Chiswick , Barnes , and Hammersmith , on the night of June 5 — nobody had seen a drunk being assisted from a car , or a heavy bundle being carried towards a boat .
9 First , Father Reynard had secretly admired Lady Eleanor and had been near the Galilee Gate the night she had died .
10 Thomas Bailey , 72 , of Lancashire , had been near the summit of Ingleborough when he collapsed with severe chest pains .
11 This could well be true , for most sightings of a ‘ galley ’ have been near the sites of ancient monasteries or graveyards , where coins or gold plate could be buried .
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