Example sentences of "[verb] [be] in love " in BNC.

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1 From an early age Haflor Ferdinandson has been in love with 4WD vehicles .
2 I think anyone who has been in love will like this movie .
3 ‘ As for Harry — he has been in love before .
4 ‘ I always wished I 'd been in love and run away when I was young . ’
5 ‘ If she 'd been in love with Henry she 'd have agreed to be his mistress — not made him wait seven years for a divorce before she let him take her to bed .
6 He 'd been in love with Arianna , you could hear it in his voice .
7 would you agree the ninety three of you , is that what characterises being in love , temporary madness ? , any other , no well what then ? , yes
8 But he could n't possibly have been in love with her ! ’
9 Could he ever have been in love with her ?
10 The thought did come to his mind a week or so later that she might have been in love with him , but it seemed a ludicrous idea as well as self-congratulatory , and he put it by .
11 Some fairy must have been in love with your father .
12 Improbable as it was , he must have been in love with her .
13 She must have been in love with Ven even then without knowing it .
14 Do you think being in love is let's call it the mating instinct , is being in love merely the mating instinct operating , button one for yes and button two for no , let's er , let's seal that little lust abate there , well forty seven say yes basically I suppose basically being in love is lust , fifty three say no and what about that , that other point , I mean should you marry for love ? , button one for yes and button two for no , should you marry for love ? well what very modern people you are , cos eighty two of you said yes , fifteen said no , who said no ?
15 Once again , Arthurian legend underlay the idea of the Order , but the adoption of the garter as its symbol was said in later years to have occurred when , at a ball at Calais in 1348 , the Countess of Salisbury dropped her garter and the king , who was rumoured to have been in love with her , picked it up and in the face of derisive cries from the onlookers put it on his own knee with the remark , ‘ Honi soit qui mal y pense ’ — shame upon him who thinks ill of it .
16 The man I love is in love with someone else .
17 So she ran through those utterly devastating transformations when she had been In Love , desperately seeking patterns , pointers — digging for something to bring back her joy , her I will survive .
18 That is to say , Tolkien 's stories could be said to be an embodiment of that Northernness with which Lewis and Greeves had been in love since early adolescence .
19 Diana had been in love with Prince Charles for several years , since their first meeting when she was a sixteen-year-old home from school for half-term and he was her elder sister 's boyfriend .
20 McLeish himself , though admiring , had been unaffected ; he had been in love for over a year with a young woman only a little older , and even cleverer , than Sergeant Crane .
21 She was the beautiful lady with whom Orsino had been in love , at the beginning ; then —
22 Yes , they had been in love once , that was before they had children .
23 She had been in love with Alexander .
24 From the very start , he had been in love with her , following her act around the clubs .
25 ‘ I want to see the traction engines in a minute , ’ said Betty , looking round ; but Lydia knew that she really wanted to see Beuno , since it was n't long since she herself had been in love and she recognised the signs .
26 She had projecting teeth and told everyone who would listen that she had been in love with Yorick since she was twelve .
27 The third was to talk to the man who had been in love with Irene Pitt .
28 Of course she had been in love , for years and years , and perhaps , she sometimes wondered , that experience had spoiled her .
29 And Arianna had been in love with him , or at least , she 'd thought she was , until he 'd begun taking over her life .
30 ‘ I 've been in love with new clothes ever since I can remember .
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