Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [prep] operation " in BNC.

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1 Here we have an undoubted theoretical cause , and also the undoubted fact that this cause has been in operation on a massive scale .
2 We therefore have : 1 ) the malady if it is a malady ; at any rate it is assumed to be a malady by the proponents of incomes policy ; 2 ) a theoretical cause of the malady , which is not disputed ; 3 ) the practical demonstration that this cause has been in operation ; and 4 ) the psychological explanation why that cause is desired , fomented and sustained by Governments .
3 However , where a discriminatory practice has been in operation for some time it may be easier for the Commission for Racial Equality to produce evidence in support of an allegation .
4 The wheel was in commercial use until 1926 , and since the 19605 has been in operation as a tourist attraction , maintained by the Manx Government .
5 The manipulation of such traits is not new because a form of genetic engineering has been in operation since humans , c. 10 kyr BP ( section 3.3.1 ) , first began to select plants and animals for agricultural purposes .
6 The Mid Glamorgan Education Business Partnership has been in operation since 1989 .
7 The Phenix reactor ( 233 MWe ) has been in operation for eight years and has produced more than10000000 kWh .
8 The new prefilter has been in operation for 4 weeks now with no alteration of flow .
9 The ‘ oral ’ approach , whether one calls it a ‘ natural ’ or ‘ modern ’ approach , has been in operation since the time educators stopped learning BSL .
10 The CMS , which is intermediate between the DMS and courses for supervisors provided under the aegis of the National Examinations Board in Supervisory Studies ( NEBSS ) , has been in operation for three years and has tended to concentrate on providing training for personnel in the employ of major public sector institutions like the National Health Service and local government .
11 Essentially this document brings a process which has been in operation since 1980 into line with the accreditation agreement with the Council .
12 ‘ Although the calcinating plant has been in operation for some years now , it is the most modern of its type in the industry , ’ commented senior mill manager Graham Jones , ‘ and while it may not be attractive to the eye , it does produce beautiful materials . ’
13 We are at present monitoring the policy as it has been in operation for approximately 18 months .
14 Autocover , our Motor Insurance Scheme has been in operation now for over eleven years .
15 HOMECOVER , our Home Insurance Scheme has been in operation for the benefit of our members for over eleven years .
16 The Serious Fraud Office has been in operation for three years and has achieved a striking rate of success in serious and complex frauds .
17 The police national computer has been in operation since 1974 .
18 A program of research into leadership styles has been in operation at Ohio State University since 1945 .
19 The WISE Vehicle Programme has been in operation for many years now , following the launch of the original WISE I bus in WISE Year 1984 .
20 This system has been in operation for three months now so the staff are gradually becoming more settled .
21 It has been in operation for 100 years and is proceeding at a very slow rate .
22 The system has been in operation at a Magnox power station in Gloucestershire for a year , and is coming onstream at Dungeness A in Kent and Hinkley Point A in Somerset .
23 Brook has been in operation in Britain for 27 years , and the evidence suggests that Brook has contributed to the decline of sexual health there .
24 A standard Northern Ireland training package has been in operation for some time including intensive urban and rural patrolling , riot control techniques , shooting at fleeting targets , powers of arrest , orders for opening fire , bomb and weapon recognition .
25 It has been in operation since last month , giving advice to around six established small and medium-sized businesses a day .
26 Normidtec covers Halton , Vale Royal and Warrington and has been in operation for 18 months .
27 She 'd say they 've just had a restaurant there , that would n't be so bad as a take away But getting back to the finances , I mean the Two Hundred Club over the years it has been in operation , I mean with what it gets this , what they get this year , supposing it 's not a thousand , supposing eight hundred , it might even be about eight thousand might n't it ?
28 Well you say that International Women 's Day has been going on for some time , but here in Britain what 's known as the Women 's Movement has been in operation now for about , what , twenty one/twenty two years , something like that .
29 Had the system been accepted the first commercial power satellite might have been in operation by 2010 .
30 CLEAR SIGNS that a doping ring may have been in operation emerged yesterday when the Jockey Club admitted that Surrey police are investigating the ‘ nobbling ’ of a horse at Yarmouth last August .
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