Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] behind " in BNC.

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1 A Bentley swam out from behind the ranch house 's tamarisk hedge , accelerated arrogantly and , passing him , drove him back flat against the hedge .
2 Suppose I leap out from behind a tree , and by sheer surprise frighten you .
3 He rose languidly from behind the desk and padded to the door .
4 Neil Fraser , as he moved out from behind his desk .
5 But if the Mother of God heard , she must have decided that the cause was not a worthy one , for as Jennifer moved out from behind the dovecot she felt herself seized from behind .
6 The moon threatens to come out from behind the clouds again and I have to jump down to the paving stones of the patio beneath .
7 We watched as the kite swept across the valley , ascending so high that it was just a speck in the distance , and then swooping gracefully over the horizon , to appear again from behind the next hill .
8 I 'll take them later , ’ Philpott muttered gruffly from behind the newspaper .
9 Scott-Scobie suddenly woke up from behind his Financial Times and asked : What was that ?
10 With that , Dick changed course , and in a short while they came up from behind the Shuttle .
11 He had been invincible earlier , when he had changed — the real self pushing out from behind his human mask — but now he was her meat .
12 And Ruth came back from behind the screen with a white paper in her hand , brightly painted green and mauve .
13 He suddenly darted out from behind a metal ladder and Whitlock aimed at his legs .
14 A recorded voice was booming out from behind the pay-booth where some Americans were pushing their jerky way through .
15 But soon , yes , she would have to take the telegram and walk to the shop and watch Enid fainting and Mother rustling out from behind the counter .
16 When the sun came out from behind the fog , the world turned golden and beautiful .
17 A grey thing came out from behind the tree and came towards me .
18 The pharmacien came out from behind his counter , sat her down , removed her sandal with the tenderness of a foot-fetishist , examined her heel , cleaned it with a piece of gauze , stood up , turned to me gravely , as if there were something which really ought to be kept from my wife , and quietly explained , ‘ That , Monsieur , is a blister . ’
19 Wolves may not howl here in the moonlight , as they did in the journal of Jonathan Harker , but I have no difficulty in seeing Slains as he saw Count Dracula 's castle in Bukovina , the tall black windows from which not a glimmer of light came , and the jagged battlements glimpsed when the moon came out from behind the fitful clouds .
20 Raised voices came out from behind Coffin 's closed door .
21 Just then the moon came out from behind a cloud .
22 The sun came out from behind a cloud , and shone on the stone walls of Fullcircle .
23 Cheap Mo cheap ’ and Magill came out from behind his flat-topped mahogany desk with a shout of laughter and hugged her and patted her bottom .
24 He came out from behind the desk , and gestured at the sofa .
25 A saleswoman came out from behind the counter and asked if she could help .
26 However , it was not until she came round from behind the reception desk that I realised how huge she was .
27 Kolchinsky came round from behind the desk and the two men shook hands .
28 He came forward from behind his desk and held out his hand as if this were a first meeting .
29 The beefy man climbed down from behind his counter and led Joe to the back of the shop , where he unlocked a door .
30 When he left , with his green and tomato boxes heaped on his Selected Ash , they nodded affably from behind the issue desk .
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