Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] behind her " in BNC.

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1 The sitting-room 's grown dark behind her .
2 She was hanging about the waterfront when she heard steps behind her .
3 As she walked uphill she heard footsteps behind her , and , turning , saw that it was the one person in the whole world she did not want to meet this side of the grave .
4 She just heard footsteps behind her , looked around , and there he was , standing behind her for all the world as though nothing between them had changed .
5 Police say she was about to open her car door when she heard footsteps behind her .
6 Det Chief Inspector Neil McAteer said : ‘ The woman had got off a bus and was walking home when she heard footsteps behind her .
7 Instinctively she thrust Darren behind her .
8 She moved away , walking beside the river , but she could hear footsteps behind her in the grass , and felt love all around her , like perfume in the air .
9 Still deeply disturbed by what had happened , she did n't hear the sound of approaching footsteps behind her .
10 Marie turned , hearing noises behind her , then broke into a smile , bowing to the two elderly gentlemen who were passing in the corridor .
11 She looked around and saw Nicole behind her , smiling and on the arm of a very distinguished silver-haired man , presumably her husband .
12 Maybe she was the kind who trails havoc behind her wherever she goes . ’
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