Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] from all " in BNC.

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1 Although we were officially the London helpline , we got calls from all over Britain and from all over the world .
2 The novelty of these services meant that the area , as a pioneer development centre , soon attracted visitors from all over the country .
3 CITY of Derry 's flourishing Pro-Am has attracted golfers from all over Britain and Ireland this weekend .
4 Keith Hayes , treasurer of Middlesbrough and District Philatelic Society , which hosted this year 's convention , said it had attracted dealers from all over the North from the Tweed to the Humber .
5 London was the great magnet , the one place that continued to attract immigrants from all over the country , not just the poor but people from all classes of society .
6 The demonstrations began on March 7 , when 200 women representing organisations from all over the West Bank and Gaza held a sit-in at the Red Cross offices in East Jerusalem .
7 Chris Bonington said ‘ This year we are hoping to attract teams from all over the country to an event that we believe to be a great way of linking people here with the millions still suffering from probably the world 's most disabling disease . ’
8 Your officers has members from all over the country will try to apply a broad view but there are changes that will be necessary but they will attempt to do them in the most sympathetic and most broadly based way .
9 ‘ Even if we celebrated in a small way we would have attracted tourists from all over the world .
10 The auction has attracted enquiries from all over the world .
11 The school , for disturbed children , drew pupils from all over the country , at fees of forty thousand pounds a year each .
12 Universities there have started teaching the subject in English in an attempt to attract students from all over the world and so far they appear to be succeeding .
13 The event is expected to attract collectors from all over the country .
14 The auction 's attracted interest from all over the world , and Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger may be among the bidders .
15 I am raising a point of order because my understanding is that this is the United Kingdom Parliament , which has representatives from all over the United Kingdom .
16 The Great Exhibition lasted from May until October and attracted visitors from all over the world to see the various items of produce exhibited , and a Mr. Thomas Cook enlarged his business by arranging trips to that Exhibition from a great many places .
17 It 's been a good year for holly berries , and the crop on sale today attracted buyers from all over Britain .
18 In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the fair — for cattle , sheep and hardware as well as horses — attracted people from all over the country .
19 The event attracted people from all over the UK .
20 Meeting people from all over the world became a hobby for them and they were both very happy to tun it into a way of life .
21 It was non-competitive and I loved meeting people from all over the world , listening to their music and watching their dancing .
22 Our expertise in serving people from all over the world in renowned .
23 After news of the drawing was reported recently in the Italian press he received tips from all over Europe about other missing Leonardos .
24 Founded in the thirteenth century , Salamanca was the equal of Paris , Bologna and Oxford , became internationally famous and attracted students from all over the world .
25 With their extensive libraries , Irish monasteries attracted students from all over the world .
26 It was her canonisation that brought the town to prominence and attracted pilgrims from all over Europe to her shrine .
27 The treasures of a man who spent his life helping other people discover valuables in their own attics attracted interest from all over the world .
28 It attracted followers from all over the world .
29 ‘ We have had calls from all over the place .
30 The Mnarja festival had drawn crowds from all over the island .
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