Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] gave a " in BNC.

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1 I had thousands , I mean I gave a load back cos I had loads of them .
2 They are geographically dispersed which gave a difficult research task for the 2 ½ , equivalent full time researchers .
3 I know , I know , because as I say they gave a
4 Was his vanity really so overpowering that he actually believed she gave a damn about him anyway ?
5 It 's alleged he gave a different description in this interview to the one he gave to the trial and the inquiry looked into why the evidence was not disclosed to the jury .
6 I mean we gave a certificate for St Aldate 's Courtyard for instance , because we felt it looked really very nice and so much better than the office block across the road .
7 Then two further pages followed which gave a more detailed forecast of weather conditions , warnings , outlook , winds at altitude and freezing level .
8 When she finished he gave a short laugh and bowed his head .
9 It is understood he gave a positive breath test .
10 As she moved , the fabric clung to her hips , and the skirt was slashed at the front from knee-level down , so that as she walked it gave a glimpse of her dark-stockinged legs .
11 I assume he gave a reason for his decision ? ’
12 Well I thought you gave a very clear and er convincing account of it despite that so congratulations , well done , that was excellent .
13 Later one of the Shahs ambassadors who eventually denounced him gave a different description .
14 He coughed , then added almost grudgingly , ‘ I thought they gave a feminine touch to the table . ’
15 Do you think it gave a fair picture of what local radio is about ?
16 Advances in understanding other receptors and in devising methods for isolating them gave a more fundamental approach to the morphine problem .
17 I think we gave a thoroughly professional performance . ’
18 I think he gave a figure of one pound , fifty nine was what was referred to by the phrase management charges in that sentence
19 And you think it gave a better meat because
20 I think it gave a fair picture , yes .
21 No , what she said was that we spent er no he said I gave a fat cheque for the caravan .
22 They might say you gave a good performance , or they may say you gave a bad one , but they rarely go into the realms of personal abuse .
23 They might say you gave a good performance , or they may say you gave a bad one , but they rarely go into the realms of personal abuse .
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