Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [det] thing " in BNC.

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1 er and erm he he he designed his own thing what what
2 So you want your own thing .
3 and just send our own thing off erm separately .
4 I would say that it is our job to let people judge for themselves and have the opportunity to see controversial productions , whether it 's dance or drama , and unless people have the opportunity , and unless the companies are given the chance to perform their own thing , that drama and dance in the long run will die .
5 I told her I 'll do my own thing , I 'm not letting them do it for me .
6 It 's just — I want to go home and tell them to shut up about the exam results and let me do my own thing and leave me alone .
7 ‘ Hopefully , I 'll be doing the next Lemonheads album , ’ he says , with exactly the right amount of carelessness , ‘ but I really have to go and do my own thing as well .
8 A lot of those parts would be worked out anyway , almost like a big band having charts , so it 's not like you 're looking for a vision from those people in the way that you would be from a group of high dollar players , who are hired to create their own thing for you . ’
9 Well I was , there 's nothing to say they 've got to all stick together they can all do their own thing ca n't they ?
10 She might wan na go off and do her own thing so erm I said you just think on , I said , this woman has got her own house and everything , she 's got
11 The boat , you ca n't use it much because erm they every thing , they do n't give you any thing do they ?
12 You told him that thing .
13 I 've shown him these I 've show him that thing where
14 That 's the thing , the thing is like , and like er , he 's Billy 's been given a lot of scope though , erm , to just go out and do his own thing and he thinks like a , as a , I was speaking to like his er course tutor and it is erm Councillor and Katie was saying that Billy thinks that because he 's got , he 's got this , this wee job now that like , he 's er he 's the street cred you know , he 's cool .
15 It 's for each person , that 's why like the playwright does n't specify what each thing 's supposed to mean because it can mean whatever it wants to each member of the audience .
16 Come on , show us this thing .
17 Here at Club M'Diq you can either do your own thing or involve yourself in the daily and evening activities and events available for free ; you can lazy on the spacious sandy beach , or go off on the optional excursions to see something of what this colourful Moslem country has to offer .
18 Perhaps you would like to go and do your own thing .
19 Anyway , my sister 's bought me this thing to go round my neck .
20 Give me that thing , it must be wrong .
21 Give me that thing .
22 And it 's got a ship and erm there 's people on there and it shows you this thing round the ship erm they have a storm and suddenly the sh the erm what do you call it ?
23 I do n't think I 'm going to buy you any thing else or else this holiday 's costing me a fortune .
24 So take aways sometimes they work and sometimes they give you a nice counting number and sometimes they give you this thing .
25 Have they offered you any thing at all ? ’
26 Give her any thing else ?
27 Oh well , I do n't know then , but I know she used to live in Spotter 's Wood cos erm they showed that , you see , she showed her this thing , a dog license and that and it said like , the dog and it had the dog 's history on it .
28 I 'm wondering what that thing is on Maureen 's wall , have you seen it ?
29 I thought it was better to put my own thing forward so I dismissed his comment by saying that his rude attack on me was like being savaged by a dead sheep — and that became famous .
30 Designing clothes for Carnega was all very well and I made a good living at it I wo n't deny but I wanted to be free to do my own thing — and to have my own name on the labels .
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