Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] early [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These sediments were dolimitised during early diagenesis and are generally characterised by low porosity and permeability .
2 We wish to draw attention to this rarely diagnosed but bery serious complication to systemic steroid treatment of ulcerative colitis and the importance of magnetic resonance imaging for early recognition .
3 It has been validated for early diagnosis of tuberculosis .
4 This was provisionally arranged for early May 1994 , after Easter but before the ACTS gathering on 25 June .
5 These should be examined for early features , such as architectural fragments incorporated into them , and an assessment made of their original date , any changes through time , and former uses .
6 The Q-TWIST model , developed for early breast cancer , provides a general framework for this type of analysis and allows one to strike a balance by using any desired vaues for the effects of treatment and disease symptoms .
7 Now let us assume that standard credit terms for goods received and despatched in this particular industry involve payment after 30 days with neither discounts for early payment nor penalties for late payment .
8 Clubs asked for early warning
9 It is being used on Estima potatoes intended as early bakers .
10 The East African Rift System , for instance , parallels the trend of old mobile belts ( regions of highly deformed rocks formed during early phases of folding and orogenesis ) and tends to follow the margins of Precambrian cratons ( Fig. 4.11 ) .
11 Walking with his family to dinner in Houston , Mr Bush admitted after early results : ‘ It does n't look good . ’
12 Many women complain of feeling chronically tired , tied to the home , unattractive , disinterested in sex and generally overwhelmed during early parenthood .
13 EP The local government reforms , like the poll tax , are narrowly partisan and will require a costly and unnecessary upheaval in terms of the need to preserve salaries of existing officials or provide for early retirement , the authors assert .
14 It also seems that the pressures have increased since the 1970s as manufacturing firms especially have reduced their labour force and no worker wants to be nominated for early retirement or transfer .
15 the fish-shop being swabbed for early closing ,
16 You have time to digest the unexpected worm , as they say about early birds !
17 Apart from that she was unremarkable , short and stocky , solid-breasted , round-shouldered , with sturdy hips and ankles , not yet fat but genetically programmed for early obesity .
18 Many of those who feel they are achieving least , and are most disruptive in schools , would opt for early leaving .
19 ‘ Not sold out , but a couple of coach parties from Vienna — you know , the usual thing , group booking for early dinner at the Strauss Inn and straight back into the coach after the performance .
20 ICD implantation can now be accomplished with a mortality rate ( including those 30% of patients who undergo concomitant bypass surgery ) of considerably less than the 3–5.4% reported for early implantation experiences .
21 Firstly , fundholding practices may find their obligation to buy community care services a disincentive from pressing for early discharge .
22 Butler , far from pressing for early reform of the law , was at pains to dispel the fears of those who felt that the recommendations of the Report would lead to a sudden increase in homosexuality , or to its condonation :
23 It also recommends that the route modernisation project team ‘ keep pressing for early authority to start the resignalling work ’ .
24 Mineralisation probably occurred during early Permian times .
25 Accompanying the policy , the RTO put forward a ‘ Strategy for Action ’ , in which criteria for the selection of the two hospitals to be targeted for early closure were put forward .
26 Most returned home disillusioned with early hopes of the big-time shattered .
27 Coyne will be fully recovered by the time The Godfathers head off for European and American dates by the end of the month , but the British dates can not be rescheduled until early autumn .
28 Does my hon. Friend agree that the answer lies in early amendment of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 so that the misleading claims to which he has referred can be squashed ?
29 The word in the mess is that a review of the highly controversial changes is imminent and the 12-year-old malts are standing by for opening in early May .
30 His new venture , The Champion , opening in early June , will close at the traditional time of 3.30am .
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