Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the table " in BNC.

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1 This depends partly on how " cluttered " the table is and also on pupils ' familiarity with the subject of the data. ) — interpretative requirements ; ( Any differences between the questions asked about the table and the labelling of the table 's headings appear to reduce success rates .
2 Two goats grazed between the tables , and looked with mild brown eyes to see if there was anything worth stealing from the tables .
3 Everybody w looking but when my father and all was there , there was nine then so there was more so we had to go in th in that big room there and eat off the table there then .
4 It made her flick her eyelids as she passed between the tables .
5 It tried to jump off the table and had to be held firmly so that Sophie could freeze the surrounding area before lancing it .
6 When I worked as a primary school teacher I sometimes retrieved that feeling with a particular clarity , walking between the tables on the hard floor , all the little looms working but needing my constant adjustment .
7 As they moved between the tables , three elderly Han came towards them , bowing and smiling .
8 Come on , put your juice over there a bit so it does n't fall off the table ah that 's better , ta
9 A clean glass fell onto its side , rolled off the table onto the quarry tiles and shattered .
10 Although the arithmetic becomes quite laborious , it is a worthwhile exercise for the reader to work through the table carefully and confirm the results .
11 ‘ Well ’ — Aggie was walking towards the table , her back to the child — ‘ she … she was in a hurry .
12 As he moved towards the table Joe noticed that , although they had been bidden to take their seats , neither Mrs Carver , nor Mick , nor Carrie did until Mr Carver was seated ; then , each pulling a chair out from under the table , they sat down ; and having done so , Mick pointed to a carved chair with a leather seat and said to him , ‘ Come , sit down .
13 Toby looked meaningfully at me and changed the subject as we moved towards the table for lunch .
14 He moved towards the table , indicating she join him .
15 It stopped near the table and bowed , putting its small gloved hands into the opposing cuffs of its robe .
16 Harrison charged into the table , knocking the sponge cake , chocolate biscuits , two tea cups , milk jug and a flurry of knives and teaspoons to the floor .
17 The white queen rolled under the table and was not found for several weeks .
18 Ruth 's toes curled under the table .
19 One of them slipped on the sopping floor , cannoned into the table , and brought down the pyramid of barrels and chairs which still supported the restaurant owner .
20 Now according to forensic it looks as if the explosion was set off by two sticks of gelignite and a couple of detonators trapped under the table and wired into the lamp that stood , as it were , beside the chairman 's right hand .
21 ‘ Personally I think it 's overrated , ’ Jill laughed as they moved along the table , Lindsey helping herself to food she did n't really want .
22 Within the total for universities , seven were providing no Chapter III courses and of the five which did , most of the twenty-one listed in the table were arranged by Birmingham where this type of course had been offered in the industrial areas prior to the introduction of the 1932 Adult Education Regulations and which had continued under an established precedent .
23 Of the twenty States listed in the Table , thirteen are parties to the more recent Hague Convention of 1965 which does not involve the abrogation of the earlier bilateral Conventions but has in practice superseded them so far as the United Kingdom is concerned .
24 Assume it 's okay , ’ and she rose from the table and went upstairs .
25 I rose from the table , went into the cell and flopped down on the hard wooden bed and was asleep almost immediately .
26 He placed his unfinished cigar in the ash tray and rose from the table , leaving his brandy untouched .
27 The two men rose from the table together .
28 Jessie rose from the table now , but she did n't move away from it , she leant her hands on the edge of it and , bending towards Agnes and in a mere whisper now , she said , ‘ Father 's got to understand that I have a life of my own ; I 'm not a china doll to be babied . ’
29 When Grace Farrier rose from the table , the men rose with her , and when , a few minutes later , she entered the drawing room she sat down with a sigh , for she was wondering how long Aunt Nessy 's stay would be this time .
30 ‘ Then go , ’ he rose from the table with a grin , ‘ it will do you good .
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