Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] tomorrow [noun] " in BNC.

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1 " I can get that list of voyages you asked for tomorrow morning , " she said .
2 Local trade is booming and every hotel room for 40 miles has been booked for tomorrow night when the results will be known .
3 You will notice that I never include rice and pasta in the menus on the last day of the week to avoid causing an artificial weight gain — the last thing we want for tomorrow morning .
4 ‘ If he counts until tomorrow night your boy wo n't get up , Ray , ’ said the tubby man sitting on Plummer 's left .
5 Well I know I said but , I did n't realize what time it will be , why do n't we wait until tomorrow morning and then you can watch P C Postman before you go to school ?
6 GARY JOHNSON must wait until tomorrow Friday to find whether he will be Cambridge United 's new manager .
7 oh well she 'll know by tomorrow night , you could her a call
8 As he prepared for tomorrow night 's away game at Leicester , caretaker manager Malcolm Crosby , said : ‘ We have to play 10 matches in 25 days and I think even Arnold Schwarzenegger would struggle to do that .
9 Wait until tomorrow night . ’
10 So she said it would n't be done till tomorrow morning , but I need something ,
11 Thanks very much indeed John , er colleagues , just three points before we adjourn till tomorrow morning .
12 Or wait till tomorrow night or , Joan phoned this morning and oh I s I saw Tom in town yesterday .
13 Take seven lengths of the corridor as punishment and have it done by tomorrow night or you 'll have another seven . ’
14 certainly , it 'll be done by tomorrow morning
15 it 'll be done by tomorrow morning
16 NO such last-minute hitches are anticipated for tomorrow night 's concert by Frances Black and Kieran Goss at the Guildhall .
17 She said : ‘ All set for tomorrow week ! ’
18 ‘ These have to last till tomorrow lunchtime .
19 Well er she 's not coming until tomorrow night is she ?
20 Saturday was sunny and bright , and any claim that the match would be settled by tomorrow evening would have been dismissed with a scornful cackle .
21 Go to tomorrow evening .
22 ‘ I would n't be at all surprised if the road from here to the slopes is blocked by tomorrow morning . ’
23 Erm cos I I , well I did n't know what you had planned for tomorrow afternoon though .
24 TT race organisers said the ferry crash was only a minor setback because the first race does not start until tomorrow afternoon .
25 The Armagh line-up is not expected to be unveiled until tomorrow morning since John and Mark Grimley , Ger Houlahan and Ciaran McGurk are all under treatment for injuries and John Toner is suspended .
26 The rain will have cleared by tomorrow morning , giving a bright sunny start to the day , although it will be a while before it warms up .
27 I insist that the autopsy shall be completed by tomorrow night .
28 ‘ We 've got enough to let Cawthorne know we 're on to him , or we have by tomorrow night .
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