Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] actually put " in BNC.

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1 I , I mean I want to actually put in some you know some real kind of , you know , rather
2 So whereas aid at present is vital , cos there 's people starving to actually put the situation right i it 's not a question of aid at all , not a question of relief .
3 You know Van Gogh er , he had a hired woman , and er he definitely thought that was what he should do to actually put all his energies into his painting
4 No , okay so now we 're going to actually put this bandage , sorry have I got that round the right way ?
5 What I 'd like to do to start with is I 'd like to actually put the scores up , put your scores up on the charts and then we 'll look at what , what exactly they mean , what does A stand for but what does it all mean .
6 So we 're l , we 're l , we 're looking at a couple of the options to see , you know , how much will it cost to actually put the money on the policy rather than going to the effort of writing it out , and it 's gon na cost about two hundred thousand pounds just to do that , erm and that , we need , we need to weigh that up with the cost of actually dealing with ten thousand letters to clients , ten thousand enquiries erm I just wondered what your thoughts were on how we should proceed .
7 A friend of mine did it erm they did n't burn the erm the spirit when they 'd finished and erm you know you 're meant to actually put a piece of paper under and burn it under the light or smash the glass and erm for the next six months she could n't sleep properly and it felt like there , she was like tormented and erm things were like pulling at her , her bedclothes and I swear she 's like seeing a psy a psychia psychiatrist and she had to sleep in her parents ' room and everything really scary .
8 When I was working at British Airways we used to do a lot of technical training and erm it was sort of on er airline regulation , stuff like that and you could always tell the activists cos they did n't really want to all they wanted to do was to get on the computers and actually trying out things out themselves , they piece of furniture the activists do n't want to read the instructions , they want to start putting it together and then they 'd learn from actually putting it together rather than them reading the instructions and regulation training you could always tell the activist cos they sort of always like chopping every bit , they just want to they just want to get on the computers and start inputting numbers and they 'll actually learn , they , they prefer to do that and then somebody can come round and help them out when they get into trouble rather than some of the other which perhaps like to more up front and that 's the activist .
9 Now if you take away er , another lump of money including carry forwards , you really do reduce your own ability to be able to pay to take advantage of the window of opportunity we now have to actually put European money into the county .
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