Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [be] less " in BNC.

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1 The trade surplus was now expected to be less than US$10,000 million for the year compared to $16,000 million for 1989 ( US$1.00=129.826 cruzeiros as at Nov. 29 , 1990 ) .
2 Silver has indicated that if they bought the ground it would be on a 6m mortgage over 20ish years … that has to be less than the %age of gate receipts they are giving the council now anyway ! ! !
3 This year America 's deficit and Germany 's surplus are forecast to be less than half as big , as a percentage of GNP , as they were at their peak ; Japan 's surplus may be only a quarter of its peak level .
4 The bid failed because the estate 's value was considered to be less than the ‘ knockdown price ’ of £10 million at which the Prince had persuaded Mr Kluge to offer it to the nation , with some assessments valuing the estate at between £2 and £7 million .
5 Battery life is stated is stated to be around 9 hours but I found to be less than this .
6 There would appear to be less need for heavy garments richly embroidered , which necessitate special care and attention .
7 With ‘ non-reminiscers ’ there would appear to be less reason to dwell on the past , and it might be more useful to avoid it unless the counsellor feels that there is a particularly strong reason and purpose for doing so .
8 Obviously , if the calculation is made on the basis of averages , Labour 's proposed tax will appear to be less than the community charge this year , or the projections for the council tax .
9 At 170 yards it would not do to be less than accurate .
10 If their commitment and reliability are seen to be less than that of a paid worker then the stereotype will be reinforced and the many totally committed and reliable volunteers will be misjudged .
11 It appears from my own research that while , overall , boys are seen to be less conformist , teachers prefer their type of classroom resistance to that of the girls .
12 Now , just when she was bursting to talk to him about the job , he was going to be less than forthcoming .
13 Like on this one , you did n't know what the resistance was exactly , but you worked it out , well it 's going to be less than , your first thought was add it together of course .
14 It would force a return to the Roads –n Urban Areas style of road and housing layout which is widely agreed to be less than desirable –
15 If they really believe that the merger was the best way forward , they must now be be supporting something that they know to be less than best and and this is now rendered all the bad feeling and all the destruction of the past two years , a complete waste of time .
16 From ( 8.18 ) above , this requires the futures price to be less than the expecked spot price .
17 Currently the question of educational accountability appears to be less of an issue than was predicted in the 1970s .
18 There appears to be less difference between enclaves in Devon and the USA than there is between those in Devon and Somerset .
19 Thus if the value of ρ or a band is found to be less than ρ max may be assigned to a totally-symmetric mode .
20 Point counting can be done by preparing transparent overlay coordinate grids at various sizes ; eye strain is found to be less than with a petrographic microscope .
21 When some of these were examined , they were found to be less than successful ; in some cases because of poor engineering practice but generally because of inadequate evaluation of the economic factors involved .
22 ( 6.5 ) was found to be less than the market risk premium ( ) .
23 The AS/400 is by a long way IBM Corp 's most successful current product line yet Chicago-based System Software Associates Inc , generally regarded as the largest player in the AS/400 applications market , seems to be less than confident about the future of the line .
24 Cooperation seems to be less of an immediate necessity with market-determined exchange rates , but coordination of national policies still seems desirable if conflict and economic stagnation are to be avoided in the long run .
25 Althouth the risk from this sort of exposure seems to be less than that from percutaneous exposure , there are documented cases of occupational acquisition of HIV through mucous membranes .
26 Stone recurrence in these patients seems to be less than those not given adjuvant therapy but the length of follow up is shorter .
27 Thus , the coronary vasoconstrictive effect of sumatriptan seems to be less than that of serotonin or the ergot alkaloid , which show additional 5HT and alpha-receptor stimulation .
28 On a comparative basis there seems to be less value placed on professional development in Strathclyde than in systems elsewhere , particularly in Australia .
29 The language used in Synod has often proved to be less than gentlemanly .
30 The simple method of inverting the bottles , as Dom Pérignon had done in his sand-pit , although adequate for the small amounts required by individuals , soon proved to be less than perfect for large commercial quantities .
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