Example sentences of "[noun] need not have " in BNC.

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1 States need not have any action allocated to them since these states may be either superfluous or valid end states .
2 The decrease need not have been distributed uniformly along the radius .
3 Trespass was ( and still is ) essentially a wrong to possession and the defendant need not have asserted any right to deal with the goods or indulged in any ‘ appropriation ’ of them .
4 The withdrawal of these pioneers from the scene need not have been bad news for the industry ; few American production outfits made the transition to new times and Méliès failed to keep up in France .
5 The constable need not have witnessed the conduct in question before he utters his warning ; he could act on the basis of a report that he received from a person who has been caused harassment , alarm or distress , or on the report of somebody who has witnessed it .
6 If it did sail against him , Cnut presumably took appropriate measures , and contrary winds need not have been the only force responsible for its repulse .
7 While this is clearly an unfair characterisation of much of the serious effort to achieve genuine permeation in many institutions , it is certainly true that permeated work need not have anyone in charge of it , need not demand any specialist expertise , and need not actually be visible to students at all .
8 Such chaotic attractors need not have a fractal structure , and attractors with a fractal structure need not be chaotic [ 10 ] .
9 Imitation need not have been the only process at work .
10 The actor need not have intended war to come about .
11 The annexe need not have been roofed , although there was access to it from the main part of the building .
12 Such thoughts went with an idea of progress , at least in the past ; but such progress need not have been smooth , for the various faunas could easily have been destroyed and replaced in a series of catastrophes .
13 Bodies massive enough to excavate maria have been few in number though such bodies need not have exceeded about 100 km in diameter .
14 The ex-serviceman need not have worried .
15 Thus the structure of spoken sentences need not have derived entirely from combination of words that had replaced single gesture types .
16 To qualify in this last category a dependant need not have been related to the deceased , and thus a mistress would be included .
17 The particles in a black hole need not have an end of their histories at a singularity .
18 ( Internal languages need not have formal features like those characteristic of spoken languages : we shall see that some representations hypothesized in AI are very different from verbal or mathematical strings . )
19 Although the trial judge in Jones was said to have been wrong in saying that the police need not have informed her of the presence of a solicitor called by another person , the admission of a statement made by Jones in the absence of a solicitor was upheld .
20 Roderick Random need not have elected to travel from Newcastle to London by road .
21 Variables included in the parameter list need not have been declared before the CALL statement .
22 On reflection , those who wear emotional crutches need not have them kicked away .
23 The answer need not have exactly the same words as your prize sentence , but the answer must indicate clarity at every level .
24 Perhaps it was also a tribute to her good looks ( if Ivy were really being naughty ) : Elizabeth need not have feared to face it .
25 This , however , can not be correct since section 36A , inserted by the 1989 Act , provides that a company need not have a common seal and that whether it has or not ‘ a document signed by a director and the secretary of the company or by two directors and expressed ( in whatever form of words ) to be executed by the company has the same effect as if executed under the common seal of the company . ’
26 In a similar way , social actors need not have any embracing concept or model of what lies beyond their own home ground .
27 Moreover , the Winchester crown need not have been the only one that Cnut gave away , as Christ Church Canterbury seems also to have received one .
28 Whilst to begin with inevitable , Hodge and his colleagues need not have relied so heavily or for so long on Japanese personnel .
29 But events need not have turned out like that .
30 It is important to remember , though , that the production need not have been a full-time or permanent occupation , nor necessarily an urban-based activity , as the much wider pattern of small- and large-scale production demonstrates .
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