Example sentences of "[noun] stations on the " in BNC.

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1 There was an unexplained delay of five or ten minutes — perhaps while the searchlight crews came back to their action stations on the great lights , including the five-foot beam on the west bank a mile or so downstream from the port , and the light commanding the river from the end of the Old Mole .
2 One of these is that of balancing the line — having just the right number of operatives for the various work stations on the line .
3 sponsorship of one or more work stations on the vehicles
4 Each printer is built as the completed boards then join other components via assembly stations on the ever moving conveyer belt .
5 Each printer is built as the completed boards then join other components via assembly stations on the ever moving conveyer belt .
6 Why do some service stations on the M1 close at 10.30pm ?
7 And there 's service stations on the motorway you see where you can stop for breakfast .
8 Many of these letters deal with the establishment of lifeboat stations on the Isle of Man , where Sir William then lived , and gave a fascinating insight into the earliest days of the RNLI on the Island .
9 The wounded who seemed to have a chance of recovery were left on the jeeps and were sped off down through the village to the dressing stations on the other side of the River Orne .
10 They had also established contact with 40 men under Major Chisholm who were organising a base for patrols from Memo , but contact had not yet been made with Australia , the powerful radio stations on the mainland 's north coast drowning out signals from Timor .
11 There remained only ‘ Z ’ Special Force , an undercover operation on the island run by Captains Broadhurst and Wylie , former members of the Malay police force , who organised native lookouts and a radio reporting system which at one time had 25 radio stations on the island , demonstrating how a few guerrillas may succeed in adverse local conditions where a larger force can not survive .
12 For Miss Green her new area was to be along a ‘ corridor ’ accessible from railway stations on the Kettering , Huntingdon , Peterborough line , in ‘ … a poor county , thinly populated , neglected by all organisations other than Women 's Institutes … ’ .
13 The initial necessity for building railway stations on the out-skirts of towns caused other companies to adopt the country-house model , with the idea that passengers would spend the night there before beginning their journey or after arriving .
14 The remaining operating staff had to work long hours preparing and implementing an evacuation programme for school children , an exercise in which the trams played their part in getting them to the main line railway stations on the first part of their journey away from London .
15 The last thing Britain was prepared to entertain was insecurity of relay stations on the Chinese mainland .
16 He would chase down green horses and harness-break them , then Mr. Mendez would buy what he wanted and Russell and two White Mountain Apaches who rode for him would deliver the horses to Delgado 's or one of the other relay stations on the way south to Benson .
17 Electricity comes from three power stations on the coast which burn three per cent sulphur oil .
18 Considerable speculation exists as to the possible location of a new permanent site for the Modern Collection and suggestions so far have included the former Battersea and Bankside power stations on the south bank of the Thames and Canary Wharf in Docklands .
19 As the benefits of large-scale integrated operation of power stations on the National Grid increased , however , the threat of such competition receded ; and the share of self-generation , already down to 31 per cent on nationalisation , had been further reduced to 22 per cent ten years later .
20 This nest set up on the flat lands beyond the power stations on the south east coast will provide the evidence to Bill and his bird watching colleagues It 's not only the owls that fly at night , waders will feed at any time , but the rising tide will force them to leave the mud flats day or night
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