Example sentences of "[noun] starts at the " in BNC.

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1 The route starts at the Glen Brittle campsite , next to the beach .
2 The second part starts at the beginning of Term 5 , before the first teaching practice ; it continues for four further weeks at the beginning of term 6 in the same teaching practice school .
3 In England , therefore , university starts at the age of 16 and lasts for five years .
4 A flower arranging course starts at the Woodhouse Close leisure complex , Bishop Auckland , on Monday at 3pm .
5 The Trail starts at the south-east of Brighstone Forest where it meets another long distance route — the Tennyson Trail .
6 The second turning starts at the outside edge turning the whole field including the double row towards the hedgerow .
7 Brompton Road , SW3 Long Acre , WC2 Sale starts at the beginning of January .
8 St Christophers Place , W1 Neal Street , WC2 Sale starts at the end of January .
9 The universe starts at the North Pole as a single point .
10 Rather like the painting of Blackpool Tower , as soon as one end is finished work starts at the other !
11 Populism starts at the point where popular democratic elements are presented as an antagonistic option against the ideology of the dominant bloc .
12 The process starts at the firm 's woodmills , where carpenters create the box frames .
13 Petalling starts at the bottom and works up , overlapping so it looks like a tiled roof because theoretically that sheds the rain .
14 The race starts at the Royal Oak , Owl Lane , and finishes at the maypole in the high street .
15 Recruitment in food service starts at the bottom with entry as a snack steward who will work in the self-service areas and assist in the smooth running of the lido deck service .
16 The shopping facilities of Beverley are only nine miles to the east and the M62 motorway starts at the western end of the village .
17 But since work for the TVEI starts at the age of 14 , two years before the GCSE is to be taken , it is not clear how that examination will fit in ; for it is not yet certain how much vocationalism can be accommodated within the GCSE itself .
18 The dole-queue starts at the exit to the playground .
19 Neglect of the educational needs of people starts at the very beginning .
20 The Heritage Secretary Peter Brooke says Britain will be creating millionaires every week when the national lottery starts at the end of next year .
21 At the end of the top row the sequence of bits starts at the left hand end of the second screen row , and so on .
22 ‘ We 're off the road for six weeks or so , until the tour starts at the end of October .
23 I have a hunch that true life starts at the point of recognizing our failure .
24 Every line starts at the left-hand margin .
25 But the state of financial disorder starts at the top , in a federal government that continues to assert its rights to print money to pay its bills .
26 In a letter , the complimentary close starts at the centre of the page .
27 Well I suppose most corruption starts at the top does n't it ?
28 The one naturally dovetails into the other , but the walk starts at the Malá Strana end of Charles Bridge , the beginning of the Staré Město .
29 The walk starts at the car park at the eastern end of Loch Affric from where you drop down the track to the bridge over the river flowing out of the loch .
30 The ten-mile walk starts at The Grove at 10am and cash raised will be used to help the organisation 's youth section .
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