Example sentences of "[noun] to live [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Portugal struggled to score just one goal in Malta for their only win to date and after that game the Maltese manager , Phillip Psaila , said the Portuguese lacked the nerve to live with Switzerland , Italy or Scotland .
2 It was normal practice to live at home with one 's parents until marriage ( and women who did not marry usually continued to live with parents , often supporting them into old age , see below ) .
3 It is not without significance that the sub-title of his autobiography is ‘ The Story of my experiments with Truth ’ , and his whole life might well a interpreted as an attempt to live in accordance with or an existential quest for Truth .
4 His life-story relates his experiments with Truth , or his attempt to live in accordance with certain religious beliefs which were a part of his Hindu heritage .
5 I have shown that his quest for Truth is the quest for Reality or God , and the attempt to live in accordance with the religious and ethical ideals of the Hindu way of life .
6 Borrowing on the security of high hopes and honest intentions , as Malcolm Elwin observed in his edition of Haydon 's autobiography and journals ( 1950 ) , and an unsuccessful attempt to live by credit , had brought insolvency and imprisonment , and now he had to make a new start .
8 When , late in 1978 , Kristen and her boyfriend Kevin Ayers announced that they were leaving England to live in Spain , Branson took the opportunity to buy Ayers ' houseboat , the Duende , moored on the Regents Canal , a short distance from his old boat .
9 This gives a breathing space for people to establish a sense of their capacity to live without drink .
10 He gave up farming and opened a restaurant in Glasgow but his new businesses failed after a few years and he left Scotland to live in Rugby until his death in 1937 .
11 Gundulph we know most certainly lived here for a while , for here he could retire with his household to live on tithes collected locally as the manor was allotted to supply his table " ad victum episcopi " as it was styled .
12 She took the child to live in Birkenhead with her parents and she has remained there ever since .
13 The words rang in her ears like bells heralding joy , and as the kiss ended she asked , ‘ So what happened to your previous determination to live without women ? ’
14 Yeah but he 's still got ta have a home to live in Geoff !
15 When he died , his widow moved to a property in Meath and Philip brought his young Irish wife back to Ireland to live at Riverstown .
16 It had been his first and only history lesson , and throughout their hungry and needy years in Bunarkaig he never lost the sense that they lived under threat , that government was pitiless , and that some day they would have to fight again for the right to live at peace in their own place .
17 Ironically , the European Community 's proposed ‘ Europe Without Frontiers ’ stands to give these recipients the right to live in Britain which is denied to 3.25 million ‘ British ’ passport-holders in Hong Kong .
18 He expressed hope that Britain 's long-awaited scheme to grant some Hong Kong people the right to live in Britain would be ‘ as generous as possible ’ .
19 There has been an increasing trend also for forestry workers to live in towns and be transported to work so creating further rural depopulation .
20 Teacher To live from hand to mouth .
21 Philip Larkin spent his last years as a university librarian at Hull , where he administered but did not teach ; John Wain resigned a lectureship at Reading to live in Oxford , where he spent five years as a professor of poetry ; Iris Murdoch , though willingly leaving an Oxford teaching post in her middle years , has lived there , or near it , married to a professor ; and David Lodge and Malcolm Bradbury either retired early or went part-time .
22 The Truth , which presumably Plato 's truthful man , like Gandhi himself , feels the need to live in accordance with , to abide by , to hold fast to , and to uphold , is that which determines the way in which he lives and the spirit in which he travels .
23 Perhaps some Koi keepers still need to be convinced that they can add to the well-being of their beloved stock by removing pesticides , metals , and such horrors as chloroform from their water , but those who have invested in a tapwater filter , often cheap when compared to the value of their fish , have seen results that demonstrate , without any doubt , that there is much to be gained by permitting the fish to live in conditions which help rather than hinder heir survival .
24 By mid-1939 , in addition to finding places to live for children who arrived without guarantors , the committees had delegated to them the twice-yearly inspection of homes , arrangements for schooling and vocational training , and the task of sorting out any difficulties over religious education .
25 On the 30 September 1834 the lease was surrendered and a fresh indenture made from 1st October between Lady le Fleming , and Taylor , one Richard Gaunt of Leek , and now John Barratt who had left Grassington to live in Coniston .
26 I am sorry to say that some of them are dead now , and others have left the dale to live in Barnard Castle with their own families .
27 No-one would maintain , however , that those of us who are unable to contribute economically to society through no fault of our own , should be denied our rights to live in society and derive its benefits .
28 My mother , whose heart had never fully recovered from the shock of losing Tata , retired to the suburbs to live with Aunt Harriet in Romford .
29 Best remembered as the setting for Shakespeare 's Romeo and Juliet and The Gentlemen of Verona , it offers the chance to live with history — by attending productions still staged in its 1st century Roman Arena .
30 Perhaps the most controversial aspect of care in the community comes when people like this along with the mentally ill are given the chance to live in group homes .
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