Example sentences of "[noun] officials said [conj] " in BNC.

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1 No group claimed responsibility , but PLO officials said that Zayd had come to Tunis in October 1989 among a group of defectors from the Revolutionary Council of Fatah led by Sabri al-Banna ( Abu Nidal ) , who had been expelled from the PLO in 1974 .
2 On Aug. 24 aid officials said that the UN had once more suspended flights to Juba after shells landed near a plane unloading food at Juba 's airport .
3 Oil industry officials said that Mexico would have to import some petrol products until a new 300,000 bpd plant was completed .
4 Administration officials said that an emergency meeting of the National Security Council ( NSC ) considered deploying US troops to back the rebels on Tuesday , but decided against it .
5 Bush said , however , that he would use his executive discretion to modify or suspend US sanctions when two more of the five conditions were met ; administration officials said that they expected the freeing of political prisoners and the lifting of the state of emergency in Natal to be regarded as adequate moves .
6 Administration officials said that to achieve that goal , the planes would fly at night and high enough to avoid danger of being shot down and would have no combat escorts .
7 But ANC officials said that after a meeting with police , Mr Mandela had decided not to attend the funeral because of increased tension in the Table Mountain district , outside Pietermaritzburg .
8 UN officials said that 100,000 women and children demonstrated for peace in the north of Mogadishu on March 8 .
9 US trade officials said that the list aimed to target state-owned industries and to minimize the impact on Hong Kong , many of whose exports were manufactured in factories in south China .
10 Several candidates spoke of the need for a coalition , and senior FNLA officials said that their party would be likely to form an alliance with other parties , including the MPLA , in a possible run-off if no single candidate won outright in the first round .
11 CTSP officials said that until the Tuareg issue was resolved it was unrealistic to conduct electoral operations in the north of the country , which was subject to rebel raids and from which thousands of people had fled .
12 Government officials said that the events had been planned jointly by the Reform the Armed Forces Movement ( RAM ) , an organization of military officers , and supporters of former President Marcos .
13 The Guardian of Dec. 1 reported that 21 people had been killed since the declaration of emergency ; opposition sources put the death toll at 50 , while government officials said that the number was closer to five .
14 Indian government officials said that the dismissal was prompted by increased activity of Sri Lankan Tamil militants in the state , leading to the " breakdown of law and order " .
15 Gerashchenko warned of the dangers of letting enterprises go bankrupt , but government officials said that approving new credit could undermine agreement with the IMF to restrict the budget deficit to 5 per cent of gross domestic product ( GDP ) .
16 Government officials said that the design had been improved to prevent the kind of accident that occurred at Chernobyl in 1986 .
17 According to Les Echos , union officials said that Pache would give no indication of the size or timing of staff losses .
18 Disaster relief officials said that over the last three days another 12,000 people had been evacuated to join 45,000 already crammed into the centres after an eruption killed 75 people on 2 February .
19 US officials said that it would facilitate the investigation of tax invasion , embezzlement and insider trading operations , in addition to transactions connected with drug trafficking .
20 According to the Guardian of May 30 , US officials said that there had been " tacit agreement " at the London talks " that Ethiopia would , in effect , have two administrations " .
21 US officials said that their forces would delay departure until after the referendum .
22 According to the Washington Post of Feb. 7 , US officials said that the former Soviet republics holding nuclear weapons had agreed that all strategic nuclear weapons outside Russia would be destroyed within seven years .
23 US officials said that imports from China had increased by 42 per cent in the first six months while US exports to China had risen by only 18.4 per cent , and the US trade deficit with China was expected to rise to US$15 billion .
24 On March 6 the Central Bank of Nigeria , having the previous day decided to float the naira , set a new starting exchange rate of 17.8 naira to the US dollar , compared with 10.6 naira earlier in the week ; bank officials said that a devaluation of about 30 per cent was expected .
25 World Bank officials said that the Bank expected to be making loan commitments of US$4,500 million to $5,000 million a year by the middle of 1994 to former Soviet republics .
26 Oil company officials said that they were excited at the new possibilities which opens up territory equivalent in size to the oil-producing state of Texas .
27 However , EC officials said that major disagreements remained .
28 EC officials said that the move endangered attempts to reach an overall GATT agreement .
29 EC officials said that the areas , which are regarded as among those most in need of aid , had been omitted because they fell outside the administrative boundary of the Highland and Island region .
30 White House officials said that President Bush was loath to impose burdens on industry as the country began to emerge from recession .
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